
"Fine." She picked up her razor and started to shave her legs that she missed earlier.

You sprayed a crap ton of hairspray in your hair and applied lipstick before heading to the lobby. Hannah held Ian's wedding gift that she split with you. She didn't know what to get him, and she didn't know Paisley, so she just paid half of whatever you were getting.

"I want to explore London. I haven't been here before." Hannah looked out the window of the cab as it drove the both of you to the wedding venue.

"We have all day tomorrow."

"Then we have to leave." She frowned at you.

"Sorry. This girl has to go back to work."

Hannah smirked. "With Timothée Chalamet. Who has a crush on you I do believe. How was your date that wasn't a date?"

"We have been hanging out as friends only. Nothing more." You swiped a hand at your hair to get it off of your shoulder.


"You know how I feel about a certain someone."

"Ah, yes. He's going to be at the wedding right?"

"I think so. We haven't spoken much since he called me that one day. He said he was going then, I don't know if he's changed his mind since."

"(Y/n), sometimes I want to be you."

You laughed and pushed her shoulder. She went back to looking out the window as the cab made its way down the road.

People were piling into the chapel as you arrived. Ian told you it would be a small wedding, but this did not look small. There was a massive tent outside decorated with string lights. There was a dance floor with tables to the side for people to sit at.

Inside the chapel, was decorated to the nines. Flowers decorated an arch where Ian and Paisley would later stand. You gawked at how elegant everything looked. It was crazy how they pulled this together with such little time. It really did make you think if Paisley was already pregnant.

You spotted a curly-headed boy sitting alone in a pew. You smiled and started to make your way over to him when a girl smiled and sat beside him. She leaned in to whisper in his ear, and he started laughing.

You took a step back and Hannah looked at where your eyes were glued. She wrapped her arm around yours and continued walking you forward.

"You good?" She whispered.

"I'm fine. Just caught off guard." You cleared your throat.

Both of you made it to the front of the chapel and took your seats. You made sure to not look in Tom's direction at all. Your mother and father were sitting a row in front of you, which made you sit up straighter.

"Should I say something?" You leaned over to Hannah suggesting talking to your parents.

"I would say no, but that's probably the wrong answer."

"Damn." You wiped your hands on the pew beneath you. You stood you and walked in front of your parents. "Hello."

"(Y/n), nice to see you." Your father grabbed your hand and patted the top of it.

"Mom." You greeted.

She took in your outfit, your shoes, your makeup, your painted nails, but she looked away from you as she spoke. "You look nice."

"Thank you." You looked at Hannah, surprised at the compliment. "How was your trip here?"

"Your mother got tipsy on the plane." Your father laughed as he continued to try and explain the story, but he couldn't get the words out. "Then she ... but she hiccuped."

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