11. A Piece Of Past.

Start from the beginning

"Now I just have to take a chaat for my fiance." I say and turn to go towards that stall but a familiar face shocks and stops me at one place.

I can't believe my eyes that she is here. She turns after giving instructions and notices me. We look at each other for a few seconds without blinking then she gives me a simple nod and moves on to her work. As Reyanch passes by me, I stop her.

"Who is she?" I ask.

"She is the wedding planner that your Dadu suggested to us. She is good by the way. Lot more practical and is more focused on what we want and not on luxurious things. Unlike in my wedding where everything was way too much. You are lucky you'll have a good wedding." He says and moves on after I nod.

I feel anger bubbling up inside of me. Dadu has to do this type of thing. If Mom gets to know that another piece of our wretched past is here, I don't know how she will react. The last time she came to know about this woman she was shattered and had gone mute for days. Those were some dark days that I never want to relive.

I have to talk about this to Dadu. How could he do something like this? I don't care if that woman arranges my wedding but it won't happen until my Mom is okay with it. I think and turn to leave but I see my Mom walking towards that woman.

And what shocks me more this evening is that they are talking and smiling. They neither seem friendly nor aloof or like an enemy. They just seem like two women talking about business and have a mutual respect.

I have to talk about this with both my Mom and Dadu but not now. If Mom gets a hint that I know that woman and I'm bothered by her presence, she would feel uncomfortable. If she is okay around that woman, I've to be too. Because it must have taken a lot for her to talk with the woman with whom she once shared her husband.

Arya looks concerned when she sees me but I assure her that I am fine. I don't want to spoil her special day. She doesn't deserve darkness on this day. I'll tell her everything once we are married and it is inevitable to hide from her. She has to know at some point about our family history as she is going to be part of it. But not now.

Everyone knows what happened in our family but there are many things that never came out as they were too embarrassing to talk about and shameful too. Some were buried to protect someone too.

After the guests left, it was our time to leave. I turn to Arya to assure her again, but her attention is right now taken by my Dadi. She says something which is making Arya nervous I think because she keeps fidgeting. They are at a distance so I go towards them to see what is the matter but Mami Ji stops me and asks me some questions about the arrangements. I wave at Arya who smiles back but I can see it's not reaching her eyes.

I turn to Dadi and ask, "What did you talk about?"

"With whom?" She asks.

"With Arya. What did you say that she looks off? She was fidgeting when you were talking with her?" I ask.

"Already worried about your future wife. Good to see that. But whatever conversation I had with her is none of your business, Ved. She is a stubborn woman, I can tell you that much. Even though I can't understand her beliefs, she is still a good match for you. Don't tell your Dadu that. I don't want to boost his ego." She says and turns her back to me.

I have to ask Arya later. I'll call her maybe. But tomorrow morning. Right now she must be tired. We reach home and everybody departs to their room but I stop Dadu before he leaves. We went to the garden and I asked him the question which was eating me the whole evening.

"Why did you suggest that woman as our wedding planner?" I ask and he looks at me for a few seconds.

"She is a self made woman and much older than you. She deserves respect from you." He says, angrily.

"I agree but that doesn't mean you have to throw her in front of Mom." I say now getting angry.

"Do you think I have not asked your Mom about this? She was the one who approved of this arrangement." Dadu says.

"How could she after what happened between them?" I ask, feeling shocked and confused at Mom's acceptance.

"Vedant, you of all people should not ask this question. You know better than anyone that that woman was a victim not a culprit. You and her are the only people who feel the same pain in some way. So respect that. Your mother does because their pain is the same too in different criteria. That woman deserves everything she has worked hard for. So let her be." Dadu says and I feel a little ashamed.

"I should not have questioned your judgement. I'm sorry." I say.

"I know. You are a good man, Vedant. I'm lucky to have you. And so would be Arya." He says and I nod.

"But why are you helping her?" I ask.

Dadu's eyes turn soft and he says, "Because just like your mother she is the daughter I always wanted."

Dadu pates my back and leaves and I sigh. If Dadu has made some decision I should never question it. Because unlike his son, Dadu is honourable. 

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