Hello again

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There he was leaning against a tree humming a sweet toon as he held his bandana in his hand. moments before he was just hanging out with tubbo, but he had more important things to do. Tommy let out a sigh of boredom that soon turn in to a grown, he Hurd something crack behind the tree he was leaning against.

He peaked around the tree to see a man with a purple and blue hoodie, it was Karl he must have been wandering around the forest to clear his mind just like Tommy. After all dream and techno only just blew up what was left of lmanburg four days ago, who knows what was going on in Karl's mind.

As Tommy gets up to see what Karl is doing he puts his hand on his shoulder, then takes a deep breath. He then ruffles Karl's hair and gives a laugh/giggle as Karl dose the same. "Oh hey Tommy" Karl said as he laughed, "hey Karl, what you up too".
"Just clearing my mind u know getting some fresh air" he states as he puts his hands on the back of his head.

"Yeah I do... Oh- that's right have you spoken to dream lately. Or is he in the prison" Tommy asks only for Karl to stutter and pause for a moment. "No why?", He asked.
Tommy just gave him a nod, "just asking it's been about four days scene the hole lmanburg thing, so I'm just making sure no one gets hurt"
Tommy walks over to the little river and throws a stone in the water, only to hear a thump.

Karl takes out his notebook and flips to and empty page as he leans on the tree facing Tommy. Though he was curious what Karl was writing, he didn't bother to ask. He just continued to throw stones in the the water.

Tommy all of a sudden stopped he didn't know why but something told him to do something horrific. His heart was pounding, he could hear a faint voice in the back of his head telling him to hurt his friend. He refused to give in but slowly temptation got to him.


Word count(371)

Just a little bit mad ( villan bench trio )Where stories live. Discover now