Chapter 11 Promises and Lies

Start from the beginning

Otto's hands were also bandaged. She noticed they were burnt but couldn't figure out what caused the burns. Perhaps when fending wolves Otto relied on torches to scare them away. She could only sadly giggle at the thought of Otto holding two orbs of fire, acting scary to chase away wolves that came near him.

'That's right he didn't abandon me. When I couldn't fight anymore he gave me a way out at the bridge. My great inventor can be redeemed.' Kallen thought of that funny scene on the bridge. 'I'm not alone in my fight against Honkai and against the injustice in the world.'

Kallen smiled brightly and it was Otto's actions who had made her happy. It was too bad that Otto wasn't awake to see a smile he had never seen on Kallen's face. It was her brightest smile yet, born out of hope and desire.

<Schariac Estate>

Louis Schariac was wallowing in the grief when he received the letter his wife wrote him. She expressed to him a desire to separate themselves from Shicksal. It wasn't going to be through war and though she couldn't figure out a way to overthrow the Apocalypse family she asked her husband to start consolidating power. She also ordered him to withdraw all their children from their current positions. If Shicksal ever crossed her again she was going to rebel. The house of Schariac wasn't ever going to yield to the Apocalypse.

'Glory is being rash again. But she's right, it's time we remove the church's influence from Germany.' Louis thought. Though Shicksal controlled the king of Germany, no one in the kingdom thought of him as their king. In truth the king was more of a shared figurehead. Both the Apocalypse family and Schariac family held sway over the direction of the nation. In fact, in the European council the Schariac family held two seats. This was also the reason why in Germany the church of Shicksal held less power. Nearly all the nobles in Germany followed the Schariac family, at a moment's notice they would behead the current king if it meant that the Schariac family would become the next royal family. But the Scharaic family opted to spare the king, if they ascended the throne they would only start war with Shicksal. As long as the Schariac family let the Apocalypse family preach in Germany a mutually beneficial relationship could be established. As for the corpse of Eleanor, Glory couldn't remove it from Koleston due to the importance Shicksal placed on experimentation. If Eleanor was experimented on in Germany the Schariac family would easily be able to retrieve her. Exercising a forceful take away outside of Germany and at the main headquarters of the Apocalypse family would likely lead to war. Something the Schariacs didn't want to put their people through. In fact, during the recent war Germany sent the least people to front lines courtesy of their relationship with Shicksal.

Louis continued to read the rest of the letter which detailed her plan to capture Otto and let Kallen go. To bring their daughter back home.

They should be crossing Germany my dear please send out people to keep an eye on them. I'll cut them off at the front line. Hiding in Europe is an impossibility and the Overseer knows this too. They probably plan to escape into the Ming Empire. My dear, please send out a few of our agents to track their whereabouts.

Ill bring Elie back.

With Love,



Otto woke up to a pleasant surprise, it was still night, just a few hours after Kallen had woken up. Given his injuries and exhausted body it would have been normal for Otto to sleep for a good 15 hours. But, he couldn't. Kallen was still in danger, he had to wake up to protect her. His poison green eyes opened and his body moved to stand back up. But that all stopped when he saw those light turquoise blue eyes looking down on him with concern and care.

Honkai Impact 3rd: Don't Die For Me/ Book 1: PromiseWhere stories live. Discover now