He's Trying His Best

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I gave my friend a daddy kink>:) my mission is complete


"You've barely touched your sweet." Ranpo pouts as he sets down his fork that he was using for his strawberry shortcake. "I told you I didn't want anything." I said to him"stop being so sad. I hate seeing you sad." He tells me"can you blame me?" He leans back in his chair and crosses his arms"are you upset over Akira's death or the fact your concert is canceled?" "...both..." "I figured." He then sighs"how about we do everything you wanna do today,yea?" I didn't say anything. "Oh come ooon. Work with me here!" He complains as he sits there for a few seconds in silence before smiling. "There will be plenty of other shows you can go to! Like when they get over themselves they'll be right back on tour! I'm sure of it!" I looked to him with a slight glare"you're not helping. You're making it worse actually." Ranpo picks up his fork again and points to my sweet"can I have yours?" I push the plate towards him,I was feeling disgusted with just looking at it. Ranpo thanks me and then places his fork into the sweet and then moves his arm over to me,his fork in front of my mouth. "Eat it." He says as I shake my head"no." "Eat it." "No." "Eat it." "No." "I will shove it down your throat if you don't." I leaned forward and took the sweet off his fork as he smiles in satisfaction. "Was that so hard?" I swallowed the sweet and nodded"yes." Ranpo then begins to eat my sweet as I watched him. "Cheer up buttercup. It's not like you knew her personally. So stop being so sad!" "You sure don't know sympathy,do you?" "I do! But this is stupid." He says taking the last bite of my sweet. Ranpo finishes in silence and once done he takes a sip of his drink and stands up. "Let's get going!" He exclaims as he takes my hands and pulls me out of the chair.

We exit the bakery and head down the street. "I know what will cheer you up! A trip to the cat cafe!" The boy cheers as he drags me down the street. "Ranpo,can't I just go home...?" "No! Because if you go home,then you'll mourn." "How do you-" "I know everything. Now let's get going!" Ranpo and I walk down the street in silence and eventually ended up at the cat cafe. Ranpo opens the door and there was a receptionist standing at a podium. "Hello! Welcome to Neko Palace! How many are in your party?" The woman asks with a smile. "Just us." Ranpo says to us as the lady nods and picks up two menus. "Oh,we don't need them." She pauses and gives a confused look"we're only here for the pussies." The woman blushed with a nod and set the menu's back. She gestured for us to follow her into the actual establishment. "You can't chase the cats around,give them treats and or food and drinks. You also can't pick them up,they have to come to you." She brings us over to a table"please enjoy!" She then walks off. "Look at all those pussies!" Ranpo points to the cats as I nod. "Which pussy do you want?" I knew exactly why he was using that term,he was hoping I'd laugh or even smile at it. "I don't care." He frowns but then points to a black and white cat"I like that one." I simply nodded as I watched the cats. "I'm thinking for Fukuzawa's birthday we bring him here. He loves pussy." I then felt myself wanting to smile. Ranpo slams his hand on the table and points at me after doing so. "You're smiling!" "Am not." "Yes you were! I just realized that I get more pussy than Fukuzawa." I felt my cheeks heat up"I meant cats,ya nasty." "R-Right."

That's when a brown,white and black cat with bright blue eyes trotted over to us. He was quite fat but seemed very loving. Around his neck was a blue bow tie collar. The cat began to meow as Ranpo and I looked down at him. "Pussy!" He exclaims as he goes to pick up the cat"Ranpo you can't-" "what they don't know won't hurt them." Ranpo picks up the cat,but almost drops him. "Geez,you're heavy!" The cat meows as Ranpo sets him in his lap. "This cat weighs like a hundred pounds!" The cat began to purr as Ranpo scratched behind his ear. "Do you wanna touch the pussy?" I shake my head"I'm fine." Ranpo shrugs and begins to pet the cats back. However,it was ephemeral. The cat began to meow louder than before,though the cat was already quite loud. He began to squirm around in Ranpo's hold. Ranpo lifted his arms up away from the cat as he jumped down. The cat walked off as I smiled softly. "You're adorable." "What?" "Nothing." "No,no. What did you say~?" "I said the cat was adorable." "That's not what you said!" I quickly turned to the crowd of cats"look at th-that one!" I said pointing towards a small grey cat. "The cat is licking them-"

"You called me 'adorable'~." I then stood up"I must be leaving." I quickly made my way out of the cat cafe. I pushed open the door and headed towards the agency. I'll go back and get my stuff and then leave and go home. I made my way towards the familiar brick building and up to the third floor. I pushed open the door and walked over to my desk. Right as I grabbed my bag,Kunikida spoke up. "Y/N,you're back. That's great." I looked over to the blonde"I'm actually fixing to leave." I say as I place my bag onto my shoulder. "No you're not. You and Dazai got a case." I shook my head"now isn't a good time." I said pushing past the tall male. "Y/N! Did you hear?!" I look to Dazai who was laying the couch,his head resting on the arm rest. "We are assigned to investigate Akira's death!"

Sugar On The Rim(Ranpo Edogawa X Reader)BOOK 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt