Mate! Mate mate mate mate mate!

I stop the make out session abruptly and pull away, my eyes widening in shock. "Wait! Your my mate?!" I blush so hard I probably look like a tomato. A hot one at that.

He chuckles at my reaction. How could I be so stupid? No wonder he smelled amazing. I thought it was just his cologne. 

"Yes, my love" He pulls me into his lap and I rest my head on his shoulder. His scent is mesmerizing and I can't get enough of it. 

Oliver your...thing is a bit too excited


I can practically hear my wolf Otis smirking. I was sitting with my stomach touching his, and our dicks were a little too close for my poor brain to process.

I was about to jump off of him in a panic. I didn't think it would be practical to get a boner on the first date. He doesn't need to know right? Before I can get up, he tightens his hold on my waist and stares at me. It's honestly kind of creepy. I can't read his expressions though.

"What's wrong?" I wiggle trying to get off of him. 

He looses his grip suddenly and I slip out and fall on my ass. I curse under my breath as he continues to stare. That hurt. "What's wrong Kendall?!" My patience is not so slowly running out.


Well now I'm just confused. "Yeah?" I raise my eyebrow at him. What's he on about?

"B-but.. No you can't be a guy. I'm not gay."

"Wait what?" I stand up, wiping the dirt off my ass (which still hurts by the way). "What do you mean? Kendall you're scaring me.."

He looks at the ground, unable to look at me. That hurts. Emotional damage I guess. "You look so...feminine I just-" He curses and stands up, running  a hand through his hair. "No this has to be a mistake. The Moon Goddess had to have messed something up!"

My eyes start to swell with tears. "W-what do you mean?" My bottom lip trembles and a stupid tear escapes, sliding down my cheek. God, I'm such a baby. 

All of a sudden he snaps his head up to look at me. His eyes are filled with so much anger that I'm afraid he might snap my neck. "I'M NOT A F^CKING F^GGOT"

He lurches forward before I can react and grabs my neck as his eyes go red. I'm dangling off of the ground struggling to breathe. I kick and flail my feet as my hands go up to his, trying to pry his fingers off my neck. 

It hurts.

I can't breathe.

Aren't mates supposed to love each other?




I have so much anger pulsing through my veins that I can't see straight. The Moon Goddess will pay for what she did to me.

My wolf whimpers, which catches me off guard. In my 18 years of life he's not even whimpered once. Not even when my mother died. 



All of a sudden I'm out of my trance. My hand is wrapped around Oliver's neck and he looks on the verge of passing out. Maybe even...NO.

He can't die...

I drop my grasp and he falls to the floor, clutching his neck and gasping for breath. Tears are falling rapidly from his beautiful eyes as he attempts to crawl away from me. My heart breaks into millions of tiny pieces. 

"W-wait Oliver-"

"Don't" He hisses, but immediately regrets it as he winces in pain and clutches his throat with both hands.

"I- I didn't mean to!"

"I said DON'T" His eyes turn red and before I know it he's sprinting away from me. Only then did I notice that my face burns. He slapped me. 


Kai growls and I take off running after him. He's almost all the way down the road at this point. There's no way I'll catch up. As I slow down he turns the corner. 

He hates me.

What have I done?

Aren't mates supposed to love each other?


1170 WORDS- that's my longest chapter yet.

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