Kazumi Worries For Your Bowels

Start from the beginning

Yue plummeted into Hoshi, which pushed her off your shoulder. You and Tanjirou each let out a gasp of surprise as you caught her before she reached the ground.

Tanjirou chuckled as you hugged Hoshi to your chest, lightly scolding Yue as well, "Yue! Listen to me, stop tormenting Hoshi!"

Despite your stern outlook, you were fighting back a small giggle — in the end, you found it extremely funny.

In retaliation, Yue simply squawked directly into your ear, "You've arrived, you've arrived! I repeat, you've arrived!"

You seethed through your teeth, slapping a hand to your ear, "WHAT THE HELL?! STOP SQUAWKING IN MY EAR! YOU'RE GONNA BURST MY EARDRUM..!"

You shooed her off your shoulder, causing her to fly off with Tennouji in pursuit. Your eye twitched as you turned to Tanjirou, "Why did you get the normal crow?! I want the normal crow! Give me Tennouji!"

Tanjirou lightly laughed, "Hey, you don't mean that! Yue is just showing.." He paused, "..affection?" His face contorted into one that looked constipated, which only meant one thing: he was lying.

You deadpanned, "I know you're lying, Tanjirou."

He sweat dropped, "Well.. I mean.." Tanjirou then pointed directly behind you, trying to change the subject, "Look!"

You whipped your head around, falling for his trick. However, it wasn't in vain — your eyes grew starry as you took sight of a bridge, and the view that came along with it.

You dashed over to it, leaning over the edge, and gazing into the water below. You yelled back to Tanjirou, "TANJIROU, LOOK! AAAH! IT'S SO PRETTY!!"

Tanjirou jogged over to you, allowing his jaw to drop at the view. Down below, boats nested in the harbor on top of the pristine water. The nearby village looked onto it.

He marveled at the sight, "Woah.. if I wasn't born in the mountains.. I'd most definitely want to live here. It's so.. gorgeous.."

You turned your head to face him, "Right?! That's what I was just thinkin- UWAH!"

You leaned a bit too forward as you talked to Tanjirou, causing you to lose your balance and topple over the railing, "SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!"

Hoshi jumped off your shoulder and to safety before your body fully lost contact with the railing. As you plummeted downwards, Tanjirou grasped your ankle, pulling you up with his body strength, "(Y/N)!!"

As soon as you made contact with solid ground, you allowed yourself to go limp as you laid on your back, catching your breath. Tanjirou crouched down beside you, scanning you for injuries, "(Y/N), ARE YOU OKAY?! ARE YOU HURT!?"

You breathlessly answered, "Probably. Yeah. Maybe."

He sighed, reaching out his calloused hand to pull you upwards. You took hold of it, and as you stood to your feet, you raised your brows, "My life.. flashed before my eyes.."

You then snapped your head towards Hoshi dramatically, "..and YOU.. you.. left me to die! You saved yourself, but not me!" Hoshi scampered up onto your shoulder as Tanjirou chuckled, "(Y/N).. Hoshi's a chipmunk.."

You laughed alongside him, before winking at the boy, "Thanks for saving me! Don't want to get too roughed up before we fight, y'know?"

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