true love 3

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Bruce agreed to almost anything because he doesn't understand weddings, nor does he really care for that matter, but Thor was the one who wanted it to be perfect.

Thor talked to him about the stuff he wants at the wedding and to make sure Tony got it.

So, he had a list of the things his fiancé wanted at the wedding which were musts.


"Oh, hey Thor." Tony smiled when he saw the God up at his place.

"Tony!" Thor beamed and rushed over to hug the billionaire.

Tony wasn't expecting that much excitement, and he also forgot how strong the God was, so when the Thunderer hugged him, he was so squished and couldn't breathe.

"Thor, buddy... gotta breathe." Tony nudged him.

Bruce walked over to get his fiancé to let go of the smaller brunette and nudged him gently, "Thor, we talked about this. You are stronger than most people." He reasoned. "Just... be careful when you get excited."

"Oh, right." Thor hummed, then kissed the doctor's forehead and smiled.

"That good?"

"Perfect." Bruce smiled, then looked at the mechanic to see if he was alright.

"You good, Tones?"

"Mhmm." Tony nodded.

"I forgot how strong Thor was." He chuckled.

"He forgets too."

"You have any chicken?"

Thor looked at the billionaire curiously.

"Thor, we got something to eat before we came here." Bruce chuckled at his lovable idiot fiancé.

"Eh, that was not filling enough." The God waved off as he was scouring through the fridge and cabinets.

"We need to get some details down." Tony hummed.

"The girls can help us plan and even call up the people."

"Okay." Bruce smiled.

"How big do you want this wedding?"

"Small. Just us." Bruce nodded.

"Alright, well, that's boring." Tony grumbled, but wrote it down.

"That's all we have is just us, so how is that boring?" Bruce scoffed.

"Oh, shut up."

Tony was looking around to figure out where the girls were and waved it off.

"Oh, uh, we thought you should know,"

"What?" Tony furrowed his brows as he faced the doctor.

"Well, Steve... he won't go out."

"What do you mean?" Tony tilted his head in confusion.

"People ask him if he's available, because technically you two broke up so he is," Bruce reasoned, "but... he literally won't go out. Girls ask him out, even someone from SHIELD asked him out, but he keeps saying that he can't."

"What is he saying?"

"He tells them he's taken." Bruce informed and the billionaire gaped.


"That's the thing, Tones... he's not dating anyone or seeing anyone." Bruce explained.

"He just won't go out with anybody."

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