The house

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Many years past and she stills remembers that day. After high school she went into  being a detective. Sarah got a letter from her mother asking her to come home for the holidays. She got taken away from her family because the police her mother beating her father when she called the cops. Now her mother was out of jail and wanted to see her baby girl again. "Hey boss", Sarah started. "I need to take some time off, my mother finally was released from jail and I want to go see her again". "Are you sure you want to do that, even with what happened, why you were taken away from her", he said. "Yes, I can't hide from my past especially when it comes to family. Plus she most likely has changed". Her boss let her have the time off and she made her way back to her childhood home. After what felt like forever she was finally home. As she walked up to the door she felt a unnerving feeling. Like something has happened here. Sarah! her thoughts were int how are you my sweet baby girl. Her mom was, different then she remembered. She looked like she has just been thru hell. Mom, y-you've been thru... stuff:, Sarah said shocked. "Yes I guess I have but never made that, come in tell me what has happened for the past 20 years", she said backing up. As Sarah walked in her mom spoke and. "Your dad should been her soon, I just want a family day like the old old times". Sarah slowly walked up the stairs to her old room. The house looks like it's been abandoned for awhile. Sarah opened the door to fine a book. "I've seen this book before I just don't know where", she said as she slowly opened the book. Before she could open the book she gets a call from her boss. "Sir you know I can't do any work, I'm with family remember", Sarah said. "Yes I understand that but we have a problem Sarah. The house you said you were going to has a unsolved case on it so I was hoping you could just try to look into it, for me, for your team, you would be the best on the team if you can figure out what happened and solve the case". Sarah thought about it for a second then said. "Give me a raise and we have a deal". The boss chucked on the phone and said. "I knew we could count on you Sarah, good luck". "Mom who owned the house after you guys left". "Oh I don't know, no one really lived here after your dad went to go live with his secret lover", she said watching the TV which was off. "Are you good, do you not know how to turn the TV on", Sarah said slowly walking up to her mother. "What are you talking about, it is on. Do you not see your favorite TV show. You loved it has a kid". Sarah was so confused, she wasn't allowed to watch TV. Dad always said it makes your more violent. Ok mom you, do, you I'm just going to go down to the basement. I need to look for something. When Sarah made to the bottom of the basement she could have sworn she saw something moving. The basement was dark and had a few rooms one which was look. She slowly walked to the shadow. "Hey who are you, do you live here". The shadow opened the lock door and went in. Sarah followed, running into the room. All of a sudden her mother said, "I'm so sorry, she made me promise to keep you from telling the outside world what you will see" as she closed the door. "Mom, please let me out", Sarah scream as she tired to open the door. Then Sarah soon started to feel the floor slowly fall apart as she saw the same shadow grow from the size of a grown man to a 12 ft tall creature, with the arms slowly grow. In the end she had something she would called the devil. "What the fu-". She couldn't even finish her sentence be for she dropped to what she felt like was death.

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