Chapter. 11

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"Japanese" - Underlined
Reference to a book, character, etc - Italics





I panted as I looked downwards.

One more push, and that's it-!
I finished my 20th pushup and proceeded to collapse on the grass. 

Context people!

Now, you may be wondering 'why the pushups?', well I can't just sit on my ass planning all day, I won't survive this mess of  a world

That simply won't do, add to that the fact that if I just laze around all day, the Hokage will question me and I don't wanna appear more suspicious than I am.

After all, what type of person will laze around after they were so heavily traumatized by the fact that at any moment a hand or a person can sprout from the ground and bite them?

I did say the story, I now need to act the part.

Survival guilt, trauma, PTSD, and all that...

Not like all of it is a lie...

As soon as I caught my breath, I started to get up, I still have 5 more laps to complete around the house.

- - - - - - - - - -

"Fuck yeah, mom! Who's the disappointment now?!" I screeched as I panted.

It had been a week.

A week of waking up with headaches, going to the academy, not interacting, and just sitting there, training and writing whatever information I had about this reality until my brain couldn't make coherent thoughts; eat whenever I could bother to remember and repeat.

It wasn't as bad as it sounds, considering I did pull countless all-nighters in the past.

I managed worse, it's ok, I can handle it.

I have to after all.

I decided to head inside and take a shower, then maybe I should go to the market?

I packed my shit, took my backpack off the floor, and dragged my ass inside the house.

I walked into the room that I know claimed as mine, and set my stuff on the floor, then went to set the shower, as it didn't have a strong heating system I had to openly make it hot.

I mean my presence alone should do, but I guess that it is too stubborn, so I used actual fire.

It was weird, as one would assume they already had modern toilets and such, they did it's just that it wasn't as modern as it was in the anime.

They didn't have a bidet toilet sprayer

But the anime is set a couple of years in the future, so I mean I guess it works that they improved after a while.

Shinobi and the people in this world in general function differently.

I stripped ( I already set everything up, and I could see the outline of the steam) as I dwelled on the thought.

Well, if I figured out how to survive, then that could change.

Wow! Kids being actually kids and not killer machines, insane right?

Stars are pretty - ( Naruto! Various x Reader ) < maybe yandere >Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora