"Brianna." Sam said, but stopped at the doorway when he saw her talking to her dad. "Sorry. I was just, uh...I wanted to check on you. I didn't mean to interrupt."

She shook her head. "You didn't. I'll catch up with you later. Promise."

He gave her a half smile before walking away. Her dad a weird, almost concerned look in his eyes, but he kept any reservation he had to himself.

"Make sure you take your meds routinely. Your mom wants to see you in a few days to do a follow up. Try to relax. And I love you." He said.

"Love you too, dad."

As soon as her dad left, she headed for the shower.  She knew she had to be careful with some of the cuts and stitches, but she need to clean herself off. The warm water soothed every sore muscle in her body. She could have stayed in there for hours, but could already feel herself growing dizzy again. She gently washed her hair being mindful of the cuts as well as her skin. She had to end conditioning her hair twice just to get all the tangles out.

Once she finished showering, she wrapped the towel around her body and walked to the vanity in her bathroom. It was the first time she had looked at herself in the mirror. She could hardly recognize the girl with the hardened expression on her face. The purple bruises along her forehead and mouth. They had really done a number on her. She pulled the salve out of her bags of prescriptions that was intended for the major cuts.

When she went to lift her arms, her ribs felt like they would break. She cried out softly and dropped the salve on the floor. "Damnit." She hissed. Her door busted open and Steve stood there with wide eyes.

She glanced down at the towel. It was the only thing preventing Steve from seeing her naked.

"S-Sorry. I heard you yell. I thought you were hurt." He attempted to speak and keep his eyes only on her face.

"I just was trying to put some stuff on my cuts and hurt myself a little." She told him. She knew her cheeks were burning red. She just hoped Steve thought it was from the fact that she just took and shower and not from embarrassment.

"Want some help?" He asked.

"Actually, that would be nice. Just let me...change." She stated the obvious.

"Right. Um, I'll be outside. Just open the door when you're ready."

She nodded understandingly and waited until he left to change. She chose a pair of sweatpants and a t shirt. It was something comfortable and wouldn't rub against the scrapes. Once she was ready, she walked over to the door and opened it. He was leaning against the opposite wall with his head hung low. He was happy to find her clothed when he looked up.

She sat on the edge of the bed and laid out everything Steve would need to clean the cuts. He sat down as far away as he could from her, but close enough to touch her.

"Brianna, I'm sorry about barging in." He apologized.

"It's okay. With everything that has happened I understand that you were just being cautious." She tried to play the situation off.

He took some peroxide and poured it on a cotton ball before cleaning the wound on her forehead. "Are you feeling any better?"

"I'm okay. I feel better now that I showered." She tried her best not to look at his blue eyes. He looked so focused even though it wasn't a tedious task. She could tell he was trying to be gentle, but it still hurt every time he touched her.

"Sorry." He muttered under his breath.

She didn't say anything. She just sat still. Part of her felt compelled to reach out and touch his jaw. He hadn't shaved in awhile and she could see the faintest hint of stubble appearing. She felt her fingers twitch where they laid on her lap. She wanted to feel his warmth. She wanted to ask him to stay with her. To lay down next to her in bed and hold her while she drifted off to sleep.

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