What A Meeting...

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Y/N was a dashing, young person. They were always poorer than the rest of their friends. Over the years, they gradually lost touch, indulging them self in work in an attempt to get more money, to sustain them self.

Overtime, Y/N became very depressed, often resulting in outbursts of money-spending, and getting drunk on late Tuesday nights.

One night in particular, in the Palace Bar, Y/N was in their usual spot, sat on the bar stool, drunkenly looking around the room, taking deep breaths and trying not to throw up.

As they were daydreaming, they spotted one figure in particular. A tall, older and stern man was sat across the room, seeming to be chatting to a group of older men.

The older man also locked eyes with Y/N, and noticing their stares, decided to walk up to them.

'Hello. You're a regular, aren't you?' the man asked Y/N, who was now trying to avoid any eye contact in embarrassment.

'Uhhhhhh... yessssssass. Iammm. Whoareyuu?' Y/N's drunken words slurred.

'Ah, you're drunk. Come on, dear, let's get you out of this place,' the man gently lifted Y/N's arms and carried them out. 'What's your name?'


'Okay... I know a place we can go. It's not too crowded.' The man guided Y/N out of the bar and into the streets.

The icy autumn winds blew against Y/N's body, sending shivers down their spine. The man, noticing their discomfort, took off his blazer and wrapped it around Y/N's body.

'There you go... come on now.' His gentle words whispered into Y/N's ear.

Eventually, they both stumbled into the Crown Hotel. Y/N instantly felt more comfortable. The warm atmosphere, the quite chatter, the grand furniture. Y/N smiled as they came to their sense.

The man guided them to a table, where they slumped down in their seat, and continued to admire the view.

'So, what would you like to eat?' The man said once again.

'Who.. who are youuuu?' Y/N asked a second time.

'Oh my god, I am so sorry. I am Arthur Birling, founder of Birling & Co.' He sat up straight and proper, almost proud of himself. 'And you, Y/N, are you okay?'

Y/N eventually grasped their senses - still drunken, but more aware. 'Yes. Thank you, Mr Birling.'

'No, please, call me Arthur,' he laughed a rather jolly laugh. His smile was warm and welcoming. Y/N noticed this, and couldn't help but smile too.

The two partied the night away, sharing alcoholic drinks and dancing till dawn.

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