'It doesn't hurt much to explore the nature,' Tomoe's shoes crushing the brittle twigs as the noises of the night calms her mind after the event.

"I think I should head west—some attendants told me that there was a pond."

But before she could head there, there was a sparkling light flickering on the grassy ground ahead of her.

Curious upon what object is it, the female finally kneel down and her palm facing the earth as she quickly picked something small, shiny and beautiful.

When Tomoe inspect it, her honey eyes widened in clarity, "Oh, an earring." The accessory is dyed in a light blue color and adorned with small pink gem.

The celestial warrior blinked, and put it inside of her hoodie's pocket where she kept the crafted hairpin she made.

Deciding that she had enough of her night walk, the short ravenette wanting to go back to her room and sleep away the night.

Blinking with much sleepiness in her sun-like yellow eyes, the front of her shoes had hit something hard and she slumped down the moss floor.

Slowly, Tomoe become irritated that she had tripped over a rock.

Looking towards what caused her to trip, her sleepy eyes widened in disbelief. A shadow of a person hugging their knees and head dropped on their arms.

"Go away," a sniffle of someone's cry catches the ravenette's attention.

The voice is strangely familiar to her ears, it felt like—

"Stupid Monkey, didn't I tell you to leave me alone?" The woman's voice were colored with complaints and pain.

Ah, the witch.

"Hurry up and leave." Nuriko bit out the words.

Somehow, when she is huddling closer in deep blues; the noirette felt like she was witnessing her younger years—all alone without someone who would look out for her.

"I'm sorry, Tomoe. I'm sorry, I left you."

Maybe that's the reason why she didn't want this lady to feel alone; Tomoe feared that she might self-destruct just like what she had done when she was a stupid kid.

Leaving her alone, would make her feel more lonely and depressed. It's better if she have someone else beside her.

Curse her soft-hearted nature, Tomoe sighed. She neared towards the crying form of the consort and sat beside her.

A few silences passed by and the girl felt like the sleepiness is coming back to her.

But sadly, Nuriko decided to talk.

"I did something bad towards your friend." The woman mumbled, the short girl blinked at the sudden confession.

"I told her that I lost an earring near the dark pool, and the stupid girl foolishly believed me."

Well, that was Miaka. She can be gullible at times.

"She fell into the pond—"

Tomoe held the anger simmering inside her, quietly breathing in order to calm herself down. It works like a charm.

"I slapped her and she did the same to me."

Oh, wow. She never thought Miaka had it in herself to fight back. Forget about being angry. To say the least, she was proud of that miko's actions.

"And even so, she bought me a pretty stone and told me that she wanted to be friends with me!" Nuriko loudly sobbed," I just realized how horrible I was to Miaka."

𝕸𝖆𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖑 |𝕱𝖚𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖌𝖎 𝖄𝖚𝖚𝖌𝖎 𝕱𝖆𝖓𝖋𝖎𝖈Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora