part 2

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She looked outside through the window, there was a butterfly beautifully fluttering its wings gliding through the air.

If someone touches your no-no points, you tell mama, kay?

The girl looked at her mom who was putting on some make-up in the dresser.

And it's normal in a family to do these things.

She looked away...Maybe she was just overreacting.


So many days has passed by, it's just not working out with-

Her phone was on airplane mode her door was locked, it was like living with a person who had already passed all the stages in life and finally slowly mixing into the things it was once made of.

Bang bang

" y/n? Open the door, please!! You are gonna get sick like that!!! "

That sound she has been hearing since the day she decided to lock herself. Firstly, it was a little risky....would someone even dare to disobey their parent's orders? Not just in a normal monotone voice but a voice mixed with rage and sadness...

But with the time that voice changed into a low mumble with time.

After stepping into the marble-tiled floors of her house all the feelings she was missing came back... She felt violated, not knowing what to do she just locked herself up.

The sky slowly changed its color until nothing but shiny dots were visible. She reached out to her window after she felt safe enough to open it. The moon tonight was as spherical as an Ovum.

The gentle light caressed her skin and she can't help but realize a bizarre feeling. That feeling wasn't very known as she has been feeling like that ever since that day when she returned from what now she calls the " black day " after doing enough research she finally realized that- it wasn't OK. It never had been, no such family prevails where something like that is done to their loved ones.

It was yesterday, she never left the latrine, with an awful taste of misfortune and disloyalty. She just laid on the bathroom floor with a desolate pair of eyes.

But that outbreak did make her feel somewhat better. Now eyeing at herself in the restroom mirror she sighed.


A surprising sound of smashing glass echoed around her room startling the girl. A stew of curiosity and anxiety sketched her face, but she wasn't foolish there is no way she would stroll outside of her bathroom now. She slithered towards the door to rechecked if it was locked, the hell it was.

Now that she thinks about it, maybe locking the door wasn't an incredible intention. Now even if she shrieks no sound would escape the room. Her room was specially made of sturdy walls which didn't permit any sound to go in or any sound to escape the room.

As being a light sleeper she would wake up from the slightest sound but now with time it seems to be withering...the situation was so bad that it was difficult to locate from exactly where the sound emerges.

It was all mum... like the wrongdoer was lingering for her to come out, but no matter what she wasn't was going to give in until her tendencies felt that he truly has left. The superficial feeling of him approaching her was getting stronger, but there was still no hearable tone of someone walking towards her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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