Something to Remember

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The smell of coffee awoken and lured my sleepy body to where it was located. Sleepily, I hop on the stool in our kitchen as I'm looking at my mother and father work their magic by the stove. Both are too engrossed in their assigned tasks.

My father notices me and walks over to plant a kiss on my forehead which soon follows by my mother. An exchange of good mornings between us, my mother fixes the plates, and my father finishes our breakfast.

"Coffee and waffles for our graduate," My father cheerily announced as he put the plate and mug. He went extra sweet by adding a knob of butter just like how I preferred for my waffle and pancake.

"Thanks, dad." I reply with a chuckle. I'm the first one being served, but as always, I wait for everyone to be ready so we can start eating together. My parents are very busy people in their own line of work and that's why it's important for us to make time to have at least once in a day to sit down as a family. As the saying 'breakfast is the most important meal of the day', my parents decided to make breakfast time as our family time instead of dinner. No maids, no cooks, just the two of them putting something together for us to eat. Regardless of their absence for most of the time, I'm still very appreciative of the effort they put out just to make me feel their presence. I understand the situation and the demands from their works.

"You're going by yourself or Vincent and Hunter going with you?" my mom asks

"they're coming with. You guys know where to sit or where my school is, right?" I tease them and my mom throws her napkin on me.

"mean kid of mine. I took you to your school many times!" Mom exclaims and dad retorts a muffled laugh. "Adonis! How dare you!" she directs her aim to my dad, "I did, okay?" she defended

"really Sarah? when was the last time you took her to the school?" dad challenges her

My mom stops to think - a bit too long though - and she blushes, "I can't remember," she scratches her neck feeling ashamed

I laugh at their interaction, "I think it was my first day that you also went to talk to the principal," I add with no intention to rub salt to the wound, regardless, that makes her even more embarrased, "it's okay mom.. I was just kidding," deciding to stop the teasing because it is obvious that my mom looks guilty.

My dad, who's still laughing, comes to a sudden stop when I direct the question to him, knowing that he has never set foot in my school. not once. So, to not make mom feel worse, I throw her husband into the pit now.

Again, I laugh so hard from seeing their guilty faces, "oh my dear parents... don't worry about it. Really, though... I have nothing but respect, love, gratitude, and admiration for you both. You've done nothing but loving and caring me in the best possible way you could ever have done. I was just teasing you guys,"

They both look at me in such a loving way, "We do love you so much, Artemis." my mother says. "I'm sorry for being so busy most of the time."

"Really though, I know mom and dad. I know," I moved closer and engulfed them in a tight hug to - hopefully - get us out of the sentimental situation. Thankfully it did work. The three of us return to a lighter conversation - mostly about my plans for the day.

My two best friends, Vin and Hunt arrived at the house to accompany me today. Although we don't go to the same school, our friendship has never been affected. They even ditched their own graduation just to come to mine. Well, they're not fond of their school. Vin and Red are together, as in a relationship together and their homophobic school gives them nothing but disgust. I tried to pursuade them to move to mine, but they refused because they felt the need to educate the students there by making them used to see gay couple. It was also for the other closeted students they said. It's agonizing to see the unfairness treatments they had to endure for years though, but I understand their reasoning. Although not fully, it's nice to see some changes in many of the students - I guess their plan worked.

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