Chapter 43 - Coming out of the Closet

Start from the beginning

His ugly actions which he originally thought would never come to the light had actually been captured on camera with crystal-clear definition.

Thus when a huge number of reporters lay siege to his apartment door to ask him for his motivation, Bai Li’s head was completely blank. He could only clear his throat and argue that, actually he is a law-abiding citizen, all he did was ask some people to punish his unfilial little  brother. What was wrong with that (of course he wouldn’t admit that he was bribed) !? 

As soon as he said the eyes of the reporters all immediately lit up.

Unfilial? Was he referring to the news of Bai Lang recently coming out of the closet ma!!???

Originally these journalists, out of fear of offending Boss Qiu, had not gone to find the Bai family parents to stab him in the back. But right now, it was Bai Li who broached the subject himself, they didn’t incite him! All the reporters seized the opportunity and excitedly continued this line of questioning.

And for Bai Li, the reporter’s questions were practically like a life saving charm that fell from the sky. It was logical so he immediately admitted it. “That’s right! It’s for this reason. Bai Lang’s actions really caused the Bai family to totally lose face!! As an older brother, it’s only right that I should punish him!!”

A very enthusiastic reporter continued to ask, “So Mr Bai Li’s meaning is that your parents also think this way ma? Is the Bai family intending on cutting off all contact with Bai Lang?”

Bai Li’s face changed slightly. He felt regret for his words. Selfishly he wanted to continue to hold onto Bai Lang this big tree. So he couldn’t speak too rashly. He hesitated and said, “If, if he…”

But Bai Li hadn’t finished talking when Mother Bai who was eavesdropping on the other side of the door suddenly slammed the door open and loudly yelled.

“What’s there to talk about!! Bai Lang is very unfilial!! In the future he won’t be part of our Bai family anymore!! He brought such shame upon me and his older brother!! How can we live ah!! How is he planning to recompense us!! If his brother asked someone to beat him up it’s only right!! He should obediently lie down and take it!! You film this and go and tell Bai Lang!! From this day on we are tearing down all the bridges, and we won’t owe each other anything in the future!! He doesn’t have us as parents, and we don’t have him as our son!! Do you hear!?”

After speaking, Mother Bai didn’t care about anything else and dragged Bai Li inside and slammed the door shut.

This abrupt end to the interview actually had a somewhat comedic effect. So Bai Lang told Qiu Qian not to block it and it was broadcasted on the evening news.

The two people waited until Qiu XiaoHai had gone to bed then opened the evening news to look. At this time, Qiu Qian held Bai Lang’s hand as though to comfort him.

However, compared to his last life, Bai Lang actually felt like he had more to smile about.

“Actually my mom is using her most restrained form of cursing. Seems like your 5 million still had some effect.”

Qiu Qian stared at Bai Lang. “You don’t feel any regret?”

Initially when they had decided to expose Bai Li’s actions, they had foreseen that this might happen. However Bai Lang had insisted and wouldn’t even let Qiu Qian suppress it.

Bai Lang looked back at the television. He felt sad, yes, but also some form of release. “This time the opportunities are more numerous, however the chance of winning a prize is not high.”

Only he understood what Mother Bai meant by the words “we don’t owe each other anything anymore”. It seems like she had been anxious this whole time that he might come back to ask her to repay the 5 million.

Qiu Qian pulled Bai Lang into his embrace and pressed Bai Lang’s head into his chest.

“If you feel unhappy then you can cry in my arms instead of crying staring at those stupid cakes.”

Bai Lang paused, then remembered there really was such a night and laughed. His ear was pressed against a warm chest and from it he could hear a steady heart beat. “Me and Xiao Hai, we’re both here for you.”

“En.” Bi Lang raised his head and looked into one of Qiu Qian’s rare tender glances.

Thus, Bai Lang couldn’t help but pull down Qiu Qian’s and proactively kiss him.

What he got back with Qiu Qian’s hot, insistent but tender touch.

Not long after there were four entwined limbs, heavy breathing and an intimate beyond compare connection.

Warm and fiery, soothing and craving. These two people entwined, slowly and passionately, throughout the whole night.


The next day on the deep blue bed, Qiu Qian looked down at the Bai Lang that was wrapped up in the bedsheets, sleeping deeply. The corners of his eyes were still a little bit wet. Qiu Qian picked up the phone. Although Bai Lang had expressed to let everything be, he still couldn’t help arranging for a few more things.

That afternoon, everyone knew that Qiu Qian had once helped Bai Li repay a debt of 5 million.

And everyone also knew what Mother Bai meant when she said “we don’t owe each other anything anymore”.

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