Chapter 1

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Lost memories
It been 2 years in Neverland since I've left a girl, I think her name was Wendy. When I ask Tinkerbell about this girl, she tells me that I didn't need to remember her because she wanted me to grow up. I don't really remember what she looked like, I think she had blue eyes, or gray, I'm not really sure. Also, I think that her hair was brown or black.

This morning, while I was searching for my pipes, I've found a thimble on my pillow. I've never seen it before, I'm wondering how it got here. Tink said it was hers but I can tell by her look that she was lying; I have no idea why she wouldn't tell me the truth. I am her best friend after all.

Also, speaking of friends, I think I had some, once. I'm not sure if I imagined them because first of all, I've found a brown teddy bear hidden under a root of the hideout. A name was written on it, it says 'Michael'. I don't know any, in fact, besides Tink and the Indians, I don't know anyone. I'm all alone here, well I have Tinkerbell but she doesn't take a big place in the hideout. Tink also tells me that I've killed a pirate once. It was the only one that was close to kill me. It's strange because I don't remember him; she said that his name was Captain Hook. Maybe it's him who did all the scars I have!
Moreover, if I really had some friends in the past, I wonder why they leaved me. Maybe it is because of the girl that I kept seeing in my dreams. Or maybe it was the pirate that Tink had called Hook, I'm not even sure if these both had existed, I probably create them in my head. It would be possible because I think I would have remembered if a pirate had once being close to kill me. On the other hand, if a girl actually had come to Neverland, I would have surely known, I've never seen a human girl here before.

It doesn't matter because today, Tink and I will fight pirates! The captain of the ship is without pity, many times he tricked me, I think but I don't really remember. Just pain, nothing else. The name of the captain is Smee, William Smee, he blames me for the death of his friend, and probably the same as Tink had told me about.

I called out for Tink but she didn't seem to be there, maybe she was with her friends. I flew outside and sat on a branch, I was always lonely here in Neverland. I need some friend but where could I find them? Earth! I'll go on Earth! A flash of images came in my mind; I didn't really see much, just a window and a necklace with an acorn.

I saw Tinkerbell flying back in the hideout; I grabbed her by the wings.

"Hey! I haven't done anything!" She screamed angrily.

"C'mon Tink, don't be so angry!" She crossed her arms and looked away, her light habitually gold was now red because of her madness, "and we will do a little trip together."

She looked at me, happy I supposed because her light was now gold and she had a big smile on her face.

"Really? Where?"

"On Earth, I will find new friends. What do you think? It would be nice to have company here!"

"No!" She screamed. For an unknown reason, she seemed more panicked than angry. Was I ever been to Earth before?

"You're okay Tink?" I hold out my hand so she could go in it.

She took a deep breath and sat in my hand.

"I'm sorry Peter; I don't know why I freak out like that."

"It's okay Tink but I have a question, have I ever been on Earth and bring someone here?"

Her eyes opened wide when she heard my question.

"W-why are you asking me that question?"

I sighed and passed a hand in my golden curls.

"Because I have these memories, about a girl, I can't really see what she looks like but her hair is dark and she has pale eyes. Also, I see a young boy with round glasses and dark hair. Sounds familiar to you?"

She shocked her head.
"No, are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah," I looked in her eyes, she was lying again I could see it, "no... I don't know what's going on! I've found the thimble and I'm certain that it is not yours! And yesterday I have found this teddy bear with the name Michael written on it and there are too many weapons in the hideout! It can't be all mines! I constantly think that you're lying to me! Please at least say something true!"

"Peter, calm down," she sighed, "you want the truth? Fine you shall have it. Wait here I'll be back."

"Okay but where are you going?"

"Find a few friends that can help you regain your memories."

She flew away in the direction of Pixie Hollow.

"Great, now I have to wait," I whispered to myself.


(Tinkerbell POV)

I left Peter and flew to the Pixie Hollow.

Terence was at the atelier, working on a machine that would help the guardian of the fairy dust to protect the dust from the wind, when he saw me he smiled.

"Hey Tinkerbell! What's new?"

"I need some memory dust, for Peter."


"Well he wants to remember the Wendy cow."

"But you took the forget dust to make him forget faster her and the lost boys and now you want him to remember?"

"I will create fake memories so he will think that the Wendy pig broke his heart and forced the lost boys to follow her."

Terence stared at me in choc, his mouth open wide.
"You... You... You"

I smiled evilly.
"Yeah, I will do this. Peter is my friend not Wendy's."

Terence seemed disappointed.
"What happened to you Tink? Do you remember when Peter first came in Neverland? You were so kind and so innocent."

Anger filed my body, I took a deep breath and look at him, I could see in the reflection in his eyes that my light had turned red.
"Wendy happened, and she almost convinced Peter to come with her."

He shocked his head.
"Even though he would leave, he can't go away for a very long time. You remember why?"

"Not really, mind remembering me?"

In fact, I perfectly remembered what he meant but I wanted him to say it.

"Everyone and everything that belongs to Neverland can't be away for a very long time. They always came back no matter if they wanted to come back or not. You are probably the best person to prove the reality of this meaning."

"Yeah, I've learn my lesson a long time ago."
Tears fell off my eyes and land on my cheeks. I didn't want to remember these painful memories, I wanted to forget about them but it wasn't Terence's fault. It was Wendy's; she was the one to blame.

"Tinkerbell, you're okay? I'm sorry; I didn't mean to hurt your feelings," Terence excused himself.

I weakly smiled.
"It's okay; it means that at least I can still feel something."

"Still hurt?"

I nodded.
"Yeah but you know, a pain like that can't be easily erased, even after a few centuries."

He smiled and took a little bag that was right behind him.
"Here, but please Tinkerbell, don't make him suffer like he did once. He don't deserve too. "

So this was the first chapter, I hope you like it!

N.B. I will write about how Peter came to Neverland and just so you know, I won't follow the book version which is that his mother forgot about him.

I will also explain why Terence said that Tinkerbell was the best example for explaining why the people of Neverland can't leave for a long time.

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