Chapter 38 - Accessory to a Crime

Começar do início

“You resign, or I help you resign. It’s your choice.”

After speaking Qiu Qian left, leaving the shell-shocked Wang Yun sitting in his chair.


As for the person directing the scenes behind the instructor, Qiu Qian spent a few days and some effort to discover it.

For this Qiu Qian had suppressed the impulse to directly take care of this man. He even asked Fang Hua to organize some non-existent work for Bai Lang as an excuse for him to not be able to go to training. He didn’t let anyone know that Bai Lang and the instructor had had an altercation.

Su Quan’s methods were far more advanced than Wu ShenEn’s. The instructor was legitimately someone that the show had found, Su Quan hadn’t interfered with it. After discovering the old man liked to gamble, Su Quan instead spent a lot of money to find a way to get through to him.

And when it came to making contact with the instructor, Su Quan had used many different people and layers as buffers, and had even gotten Qi ShaoDong and Bai Lang’s brother Bai Li involved.

If it wasn’t the fact that Fang Hua had told Qiu Qian that after the new years Bai Li had come to the company multiple times in hopes of seeing Bai Lang and Qiu Qian had long ago arranged for someone to keep an eye on him, it would be hard for Qiu Qian to find out the person that Bai Li had made contact with.

As for why Su Quan had done things in a huge roundabout way, it was just so if the old instructor was found out, the first and obvious person to take the blame as the behind the scenes manipulator would be Bai Lang’s brother Bai Li who didn’t have a good relationship with him.

If Bai Li was asked why he would do such a dangerous and risky thing, then he would just say that hiring the instructor was to teach Bai Lang a lesson, nothing to do with making him have a heart attack. Plus Bai Li honestly didn’t know that Bai Lang was ill and so this way anyone would ever be able to confirm a hidden intent to kill.

So if it was only to teach Bai Lang a lesson, it would be easy to see why the debt-stricken Bai Li would easily fall into line when offered a high amount of money. And anyway, if the older brother wanted to punish the younger brother, people who were a bit more traditional would only say this is a family affair and no big deal.

And after that, if Bai Li couldn’t withstand the pressure and gave up the person who directed him, then Su Quan also arranged for Qi ShaoDong to take the blame.

As for the reason that Su Quan used to string Qi ShaoDong along was; he would first use the instructor to punish and humiliate Bai Lang. Then Qi ShaoDong could jump out to use his connections to suppress the old instructor. That way he would gain a few points in Bai Lang’s eyes since Qi ShaoDong was really interested in Bai Lang. Thus, the people who met up with Bai Li to give him the money and instructions were sent by Qi ShaoDong.

Thus if things were investigated, it all seemed to be completely unconnected to Su Quan.

However all of the above was predicated on the fact that Bai Lang’s every movement would not be immediately observed and reported back to Qiu Qian. Under normal circumstances that might be possible but between Bai Lang and Qiu Qian, based on Su Quan’s previous actions, he was already under a cloud of suspicion that couldn’t be removed.

But the logic behind Su Quan’s plans was not important to Qiu Qian. All he needed was to confirm that the person behind the old instructor was definitely Su Quan without mistake. That was enough.

So, after finding out everything, Qiu Qian went to find Hong Yu.

He didn’t beat around the push. Qiu Qian told Hong Yu, “I won’t help Su Quan again.”

[BL] R-O-A-M-S Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora