Chapter 37 - I'm Sorry

Start from the beginning

Qiu Qian showed a hesitant expression for some time. Then finally he rubbed his face as though he was giving in. He changed to asking what he should take care of on a day-to-day basis. He asked questions for more than half an hour and before finally letting Fang YingQi leave, he even asked him for his phone number.

Fang YingQi passed over his business card in an understanding manner. As Qiu Qian took it, in his mind suddenly flashed to the memory of Wang Yun giving Bai Lang his business card some time ago.

Qiu Qian paused. “Bai Lang’s illness, who else knows about it?”

Fang YingQi was just looking through his computer. “Mr Bai had always been my personal patient, however a few weeks ago Young Master Rong once helped Mr Bai organize a check up appointment so he should also know…” When Qiu Qian heard this his face changed, but the next thing that Fang YingQi said really made his heart thud.

“Ai, Wang Yun? Isn’t this that new colleague? Why did he request this file…?”

Fang YingQi’s hand paused on the mouse. When he looked again he discovered Qiu Qian’s entire person was not quite right. He hurried to add, “Oh, don’t worry. Our hospital sometimes will have meetings to discuss patient treatment. So requesting a patient file is ordinary. Of course, all the doctors are sworn to secrecy. This is also the law.”

A dark storm was brewing inside Qiu Qian’s eyes. “Can we choose not to participate in the discussion?”

Fang YingQi’s eyes showed surprise and also a bit of reluctance. “To be honest, the best way to determine the best treatment for Mr Bai is to have several specialists discuss together…”

Qiu Qian’s mouth twitched. “Other people are okay, but only Wang Yun is not allowed. Is that okay?”

Fang YingQi froze. From these words he could clearly sense that something was afoot. So he naturally nodded.

“Of course, as long as Mr Bai also agrees.”


With his head full of chaotic and terrible suspicions, Qiu Qian left the clinic and went back to the ward.

Right now the time is around 11PM at night. In the very large and spacious special patient room, there was a queen sized bed. The light was on low and on the large bed there were two figures wrapped in a blanket. The little one was Qiu XiaoHai. The larger one, when Qiu Qian came in, moved.

When Qiu Qian saw Bai Lang sit up as though he wanted to pull over the blanket and get out of bed, his heart tightened. He walked over with several big strides and said, “What are you trying to do?”

There was a weak light by the bed but it was enough to see Bai Lang’s tender features in the darkness.

However right now when Qiu Qian saw it, to him it became the look of fragility.

The very loose patient gown made Bai Lang’s neck and body look even more slender. His bare arms were showing and there was a bandage from where the blood had been taken before. To Qiu Qian, he completely looked like an ill patient.

“Let’s have a chat,” Bai Lang said lightly. When he saw Qiu Qian’s expression change he added, “Otherwise I won’t be able to sleep the whole night.”

The Qiu Qian who had just been informed that Bai Lang needed to sleep and rise early couldn’t reject this. He could only woodenly push down Bai Lang who seemed to want to get up. He gritted his teeth and said, “You lie down! Just talk like this.”

Bai Lang grabbed Qiu Qian’s hand. He shuffled his body. “Come in?”

Qiu Qian fought with himself for several seconds then finally took off his shoes and got into the bed. Once inside he couldn’t control his urge any longer and pulled Bai Lang into his arms and hugged him tightly. Bai Lang seemed to have the same feeling. He also reached out his arms to hug Qiu Qian back tightly. His movement showed his trust and dependence and this made Qiu Qian hold on even tighter and with more force.

“Don’t worry, I’m not made of glass.” Bai Lang sighed. He used the same force to hold Qiu Qian back.

Qiu Qian felt the warmth of the body in his arms and heard that steady heartbeat that was pressed against his own chest. He couldn’t help but use his cheek to rub against the crown of Bai Lang’s head. The emotions that he had been suppressing were spilling out.

The anger of being kept in the dark. The hurt, the panic, the distress, and the first time he had felt his heart ache. The same kind of terrible feeling of regret and self-blame he had when he heard Qiu XiaoHai had been given drugs. These feelings came together and made Qiu Qian’s voice shake. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I wanted to,” Bai Lang buried his face in Qiu Qian’s arms. “But I was scared you would react like this and get too worried.”

Qiu Qian tightened his arms again. It was as though he wanted to completely absorb this person into his flesh and blood.

“Then I am supposed to wait for you to suddenly fall down in front of me just like at the Rong family house and most likely die?”

“If that really happens then it’s just a matter of a few hours. It’s very fast.” Bai Lang looked down and thought about what had happened in the emergency room in his previous life.

Qiu Qian breathed in sharply. His body temperature immediately shot up. He pushed Bai Lang’s head away and looked into his eyes in a hurt and angry manner.

“Cruel. It turns out, you’re much crueller than me.”

Seeing Qiu Qian’s slightly reddened eyes in the darkness, Bai Lang suddenly understood.

He understood. My rebirth, it was all for this moment. All so I could give this heart to you.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry, I’m sorry….

Before Qiu Qian forcefully kissed Bai Lang, Bai Lang didn’t know why but he could only repeat this one sentence.


Three days later, the Morning Star as well as almost all other entertainment publications all published the exact same front page headline.

Total Entertainment had terminated Su Quan’s management contract. 

And stated at the same time that it was terminating all working relations with Su Quan.

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