Chapter 17 - The Regal Suit

Start from the beginning

All the way until Qiu XiaoHai came over and said what’s a curse ah, can it be eaten?

The heavy atmosphere lightened.

Qiu Qian sighed and expressed that he thought his son was really a pig. He only knew how to sleep and eat.

After being scared by this shadowy incident, Bai Lang didn’t have much free time left.

Fang Hua’s homework for Bai Lang had been delayed by him for many days. He had no choice but to get onto it.

Thus he made an appointment and then Bai Lang, who was also a nanny, took Qiu XiaoHai with him to visit the “The Regal Suit”.


The Regal Suit actually wasn’t a custom suit shop that had been established since olden days. However, everyone in the industry knew that the head tailor’s skill could be traced back to the previous dynasty. The knowledge and expertise had been passed down from that time but it was only recently that the brothers Li Fu and Li Hua had established the brand The Regal Suit. Right now the fame of their brand could be considered No 1 or No 2 in the industry.

The older brother Li Fu had inherited most of the tailoring skill. The younger brother Li Hua was mostly in charge of the running of the business. Li Hua had also helped his brother Li Fu find a group of skilled disciples to study and work under him. In the industrial era of garment making, there were a lot of different markets and he successfully managed to increase the output and broaden the audience of his brand.

So other than the Master Li Fu, there were twelve personal disciples. Right now all of them could be considered very experienced and talented suit makers in their own right and there was even a third generation of pupils. Using his business acumen, Li Hua successfully managed to keep all of these younger generations within The Regal Suit and didn’t let any of them slip away. So The Regal Suit was often used as an example of not only the highest quality suit making skill, but also of a very successful family business.

This time the teacher that Fang Hua had arranged for Bai Lang was none other than Master Li Fu himself.

If people in the industry knew about this they would definitely wag their tongues. After all the suits that Li Fu made personally now cost into the 6 digits. If this great master appeared then Bai Lang might even be able to directly change careers.

However the reason that Li Fu accepted to tutor him was because The Regal Suit was the professional advisor for the movie “Beyond Gold and Jade”. The details regarding custom suit making were all provided by The Regal Suit and this was something that the highly intelligent Li Hua had arranged. Since they had agreed to be the professional advisor, Li Hua was also very dedicated and sincere. Thus he directly pushed out his older brother to help.

This decision led Fang Hua to be slightly surprised. She had to inform him in an embarrassed manner that she had told Bai Lang to also go and get some custom suits made at the same time. But it was not necessary for Master Li Fu to make them personally.

When he heard this, Li Hua laughed exuberantly. He expressed that The Regal Suit could handle this kind of small expense. So thus Bai Lang came unexpectedly into this windfall. However it was not until Bai Lang reached The Regal Suit that he got this good news.


The Regal Suit was located in an elite area of A City. The set up inside the shop was also very different to a ready to wear shop.

The deep colored wooden furniture and soft lighting were very refined, and made the fabric displayed on one side look even more elegant and exquisite. However there was not one set of finished suits for show in the ahop.

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