Chapter 28

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Camilo pov
I never want this moment to end. I want us to stay like this for the rest of the day. I love her so much. I wanna marry her have kids have a whole future with her. I want to wake up her with her by my side. We kept dancing till the song ended. I turn y/n into my arms and kiss her softly. I walk back a few steps with y/n still in my arms but than I tripped and y/n started bursting out laughing

"I'm s-sorry for l-l-laughing amor" y/n says while catching her breath from laughing and I just sit there with "I'll help you" y/n added in reaching her hand out

Once y/n reached her hand out I grabbed it and pulled her on me and we both started laughing

"Your like a complete child" y/n said laughing "your more of one" I said "am not" y/n said "to" I replied

We kept saying that till Dolores came in

"Enough already your both like children!" Dolores said

Me and y/n both cross our arms

Jeez someone is moody

"Camilo mama wants you and y/n start doing abuela wants you" Dolores said

Y/N pov
Uh oh

I look at Camilo who also has a concern face. We both got up and went out separate ways, Camilo went to Pepa while I went to abuela. I take a big gulp as I reach to know on abuela door.

"Come in" abuela says

I turn the knob shaking I hope I didn't do anything bad or wrong

"There you are sit we have to talk about something important" abuela says pointing to the chair infront of her

I sat down

"Do I do something?" I asked nervous fiddling with my fingers "no you did not it's about the man" abuela says placing one hand on both of mine "t-the one who k-killed mama and my primo and b-brother?" I asked and she nodded "Dolores said she heard him in town and spotted him" Abuela says "we will have to keep you safe and you'd have to stay in castia until we know he's gone for good so you won't have any chores and if you need something we will send someone to get you whatever you need from the market" abuela stated and I nod "what if he knows w-where I am?" I asked "he knows that's why you'll stay in different rooms till we get him out of encanto" abuela answered "why different rooms?" I asked again "well it's better so you don't get bored and cause everyone said they like spending time with you" abuela says with a smile "really?" I asked happy and abuela nods

No one usually says they like spending time with me

"Your part of this family now y/n"abuela said "not because of your gift but because of who you truly are" abuela added and that made me so happy when she said I was bout to start crying

"Now go on do what you have to do but I'm giving you only 1 hour to get what you need from the market while he is not close yet" abuela said "Gracias abuela" I said and left

"What happ-" Camilo said before I ran out to go to the market and I got stopped

"y/n!" Cecilia said "hola Cecilia!" I said "whatcha you doing?" She asked "just getting some stuff for the market" I said "oh I won't be able to see you for a while cause I'd be really busy" I added on while lying to her "aw man so this is the last time I would see you for a while?" Cecilia asked sad "mhm but you can come shopping with me" I said "ok!" Cecilia mood changed from sad to happy

I felt bad lying to Cecilia about the busy part but I didn't want to tell her to truth. Me and Cecilia went to the market I bought some things and I bought Cecilia a bracelet she liked and got Antonio a matching one to go with ours since it came with three and I always hang out with them most of the time than the other kids. It's been almost an hour so I headed back home saying bye to Cecilia and calming her down after she started crying that I wasn't gonna be out for a while. Once I got to castia I heard the front doors look behind everyone in the living room on the couch waiting for something or someone. I put my things down in my room knowing Dolores already heard me than head back downstairs and went into the living room and everyone turned their head to me.

"Now I actually feel like I did something bad" I said "we decided so your not going from room to room we'd all stay in your room" isa said "right also why couldn't I just stay in my own room? I forgot to ask" I asked \ said "we didn't even think about that" Luisa said "I mean I don't mind I'll have all of you guys!" I said "yea" everyone said "oh Antonio I got you something follow me!" I said "oooo!" Antonio said getting up

I take Antonio to my room and show him the bracelet than put it on him

"I got me, you, and Cecilia a matching one when I was out" I said "I'm never gonna take it off!" Antonio said "thank you y/n!" Antonio hugged me

Everyone than came in and got settled and we went down to eat lunch same as usual but it felt off to me I felt like someone was watching me I look around the table no one has eyes on me not even Camilo I than looked behind me and saw a firgue than it ran away

"Amor are you ok?" Camilo asked "um yea" I lied

I hate lying

"Are you sure you were looking around like your looking for someone" Mirabel asked

"Yep yea totally fine I just need to take a warm shower" I said and got up to leave

Camilo pov
Something is wrong with y/n I could tell I look up to her walking up the stairs holding her forehead? Her legs look wobbly I quickly got up and ran to y/n while I heard mama and Tia gasped

"Mi amor are you ok?" I asked "yea" she said

She's lying I could tell besides she hasn't touch a piece of her food yet

"Tia can you bring y/n plate?" I yelled "coming" Tia said

Tia came with y/n plate

"Eat Mija" Tia said "is she ok?" Mama asked

I placed y/n down on the stairs waiting for y/n to eat

"I-I still feel dizzy" y/n said "I'll be right back" Tia said

y/n started coughing and I felt her forehead and she's burning

"Mama I think she's sick" I told mama "ai" mama sighed "get her to bed I'll go tell Julieta" mama said and I nodded

I carried y/n bridal style and went to her room

"Everything is gonna be alright Amor" I said rubbing y/n hand

I hope she's not pregnant, I mean I used protection

"Amor I promise I'm fine" y/n said than a sneeze came out of her

My door than opens, I look to see

Sorry for the long wait for another chapter I've been trying to write chapters but I am gonna write one more after this one !

Eat and drink stay safe w/ <3 yanna out

Special someone (Camilo Madrigal x y/n)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora