Chapter 18

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Camilo pov:
I wake up before y/n and seen she's still sleep I gently and carefully moved so I can get ready and go start my chores but I don't want to but if I do I know on of the girls will come bursting threw my door telling me to start my chores than Abuela and mama would be mad at me and chaos. I grabbed an Arepa off the table and walked outside to start my chores. Than this random girl walked up to me and hugged me I mean she looks around my age but I don't know here so I push her off me

"Oh sorry I'm Becky!" Becky says

Who the fuck would name their kid Becky?

"Uh ca-" I say before she cut me off

That bitch cut me off

"Camilo! I know so I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me? Let's say right now anywhere you want to go!" She says grabbing my arm "Um no offense whatever your name is but I have an amazing girlfriend so would you please get off me" I say "I don't see her" she says "yea cause she's slee-" I got cut off by y/n voice

"Amor, who's that?"  y/n says pointing to the girl

I honestly forgot her name

"I'm his girlfriend" she says and y/n just looks at her confused

Y/N pov:
"Exuse me?" I say "yea you heard me so stop calling him amor" the girl said grabbing his arm "first off I'm not your boyfriend and never will be and second stop grabbing on me" Camilo says while walking to my putting his arm around my waist and pulling me close

"What's going on?" I hear Isa say

I tell her what happen and Dolores came too herring us and the confronted the girl. I decided to go home for a little bit after what happen. I was still tired, I mean I woke up a second after Camilo left. I told Camilo I'm heading home and he walked with me

He's so sweet

I go home and...

Special someone (Camilo Madrigal x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now