Velvet Love

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Welcome to the highly anticipated book 2! I've rewritten this book twice,both following the main BSD manga but uh...neither of them worked out in my favor. So uh I guess this one just builds on the relationship with Ranpo:) also that pic of Ranpo is just *chefs kiss*


"Good morning!" I exclaim as I open the Detective Agency door. "Good morning Y/N!" Atsushi greets with a wave"what's got you so happy this morning?" Yosano asks as she looks up from her magazine while she sits on the couch. There were only a few people at the agency so far,those being,Yosano and Atsushi. Of course there was no Ranpo or Dazai yet. I placed my hand into my bag and pulled out two tickets"I have concert tickets to see Velvet Love!" I exclaim"I stayed up allll night to get my hands on them!" Yosano's eyes widen"oh? And who might be going with you?" She hums as I place the tickets back into my bag. "I'm not sure. I was gonna invite Ranpo but he'll probably bully me or something,so he's a no go. I'd invite you but you don't like their music." Yosano closes her magazine and stands up"that's true. Something about Akita's voice is annoying." "She isn't annoying! She's a sweetheart!" Her shoes click against the floor as she makes her way to her office"whatever you say." I walk over to my desk and look over to Atsushi. "Hey Atsushi~?" He hums and looks up from his computer"yes?...oh no,I know that look." I had a smirk on my face that only meant I was trouble,I quickly gave a confused look. "Whatever do you mean?" He shivers slightly"w-what is it?" "Do you wanna come to a Velvet Love concert with me?" His brows furrow"I would love to but,I don't know who that is." "Huh?! How?!" I quickly picked up his laptop and began to search up the group. Once I found what I was looking for I turned the laptop back around. "Them! Do any of these song names ring a bell?!" His yellow purple eyes read over the screen and he eventually shakes his head. "How are you even living?! Do you live under a rock or something?!"

That's when Kunikida's voice was heard"there are more important things to life than music,Y/N." I look to Kunikida who was setting files on his desk. "But they're the music group this year! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity! Do you even know how to have fun?" I ask as he nods"of course I do. Writing in my 'Ideals' journal is quite fun." "THAT'S YOUR DEFINITION OF 'FUN'?! WHAT?!" I then turned on my heel and made my way towards Fukuzawa's office. "Y-Y/N,I-I wouldn't bother him!" Atsushi stutters out"who cares?! If Ranpo can do it,then so can I!" I turn the doorknob to his office and enter to see him writing something down. "Fukuzawa!" I shut the door with my foot as the man lifts his head"what is it Y/N? This better be important." I nod"it is!" I march over to his desk as he sets his pen down. I bring one of the tickets out of my bag and place it on the desk before sliding it towards him. "You,me,Velvet Love concert,this Saturday." He looks from the ticket then to me. "How is this important?" "Because this is a once in a life time opportunity!" I exclaim"don't you wanna go have fun and maybe get a girlfriend?" I smile"not necessarily." My smile drops"why don't you ask Naomi? I bet she'll go with you." I shake my head"no. I love Naomi,but she gets a little to obsessive..."

That's when the door behind me slammed open making me jump. "Fukuzawa! Have you seen-N/N! There you are!" I turned to see Ranpo walking over to us with a big smile. "I couldn't find you in the office so I came in here to see if Fukuzawa had seen you!" "Ranpo,how would you like to go to a concert with Y/N?" My eyes widened as I looked to Fukuzawa. "Huh?" Ranpo asks as he stops right beside me. Fukuzawa picks up the ticket as Ranpo takes it. "Y/N was just trying to get me to go. And since you two are a couple I thought that maybe now would be a good time for a date." "YOU KNEW?!" I screamed"it was quite obvious Ranpo liked you,and it was obvious you liked him back. It was just a matter of time." I heard Ranpo mutter something under his breath before looking to me"sure! I'll take you up on your offer!" He then stuffs the ticket into his pocket before dragging me out of the older man's office.

"But why Velvet Love? They're so mainstream. I thought you were one of those 'quirky' girls." Ranpo teases"they're music is great! Shut up!" Ranpo snickered as he opens the door and we exit back into the main office area. "Y/N,did the director agree?" Atsushi asks as he looks to me"no but-" "I did!" Ranpo declares"oh that's great." The tiger boy smiles as I walk over to my desk and sit down. "No it's not! He's already bullied me about it!" Ranpo walks over and sits at his desk. "How is that awful?" "Because you've already made fun of me." "It's not called 'bullying' if I'm being truthful." "No it's not! It's called you're being an a**!" Ranpo crosses his arms"whatever you say N/N. I'm just being honest. And you know what they say~. Honesty is the best pol-"

That's when the office door slammed open with Dazai. "DID YOU HEAR THAT AKIRA FROM VELVET LOVE DIED?!" I looked over to Dazai with wide eyes"SHE WHAT?!" Dazai shuts the door and walks over to me"yea! I saw it on the way here!" I then begin to cry"oh no,don't be upset my fair maiden. Everything will be alright." Dazai tries to comfort"n-no it won't be." "Do you wanna tell daddy Dazai the problem?" He frowns"d-dont call yourself that...b-but..."Ranpo then speaks up"she had tickets to see them on Saturday." I nod"and now I have to get a refund!" I continued to cry as Dazai pulled me into a hug and began to pet my head"there,there. Everything will be alright. Daddy Dazai can make you feel better." I sniffled"don't c-call yourself that. It's gross."

"N/N! I need you to come with me to the store!" I looked over to Ranpo who was now standing up behind his desk. "Cant you see I'm mourning?" He walks over to us and pulls me out of Dazai's grip. "Yes,but snacks are important for me to survive. So,let's get going." He states as he pulls me out of the office. "Ok..."

Sugar On The Rim(Ranpo Edogawa X Reader)BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now