And as if that wasn't enough, the other two children come into the room.

"Mommy!" Raelynn cries, holding a doll in her hands and running to her mother.

"Shh!" Her mother puts a finger to her lips, gesturing for her daughter to be silent.

But little Bryce cries, too, and runs to his mother.

"Mommy! Mommy!"

Raelynn understands that she needs to be quiet and stops running and stays near her big brother. But Bryce runs away and grabs his mother's legs and continues to shout at her.

"I'm going crazy," Evie sighs again and feels her headache grow even bigger.

A bark is heard and Rexx enters the room and runs towards the children and stops next to Evie and jumps on her.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Evie can't help but swears and quickly puts her hand to her mouth, realizing that she swore in front of the children. "Kids..." She looks at them cautiously. You didn't hear anything..."

"But mommy, we heard it," says Asher.

"Okay," Evie rolls her eyes. "You heard it. But it's a bad word. Don't say that."

The children nod and Evie hear Sharise's voice:

Sharise: "Hello?"

"Hi, Sharise. Its me, Evie. How is... how is Skylar?"

Sharise: "The operation was successful!"

Although she can't see her, Evie feels Sharise smile, she feels happy and relieved.

"Oh, how glad I am to hear that! I'll tell Asher right away! Oh... I hope Skylar recovers as soon as possible."

Sharise: "Okay, Evie. I'll tell her Asher asked about her. Goodbye!"

"Goodbye," Evie says, and puts the phone back on.

"So how's Skylar?" Asher asks impatiently.

"She's okay, sweetie," Evie smiles and kneels in front of her son. "Skylar will be fine."

"Yes!" The boy shouts and jumps up. "This is fucking great!"

"What you said?!" Evie's face falls. "Asher!"

But the boy does not stop saying the word and jumps up. And as if that wasn't enough, his sister joins him and she says the word that their mother told them not to say. And even Bryce joins in and tries to say the forbidden word.

"Kids! Stop!" Their mother is trying to silence them.

But they continue until Nikki enters the room, most likely hearing the noise. He is shocked to see the children jumping and running and saying such a word.

"What is happening here?" He asks, raising his voice a little.

The children stop and look at their father in surprise. But the most surprised is their mother.

"Where did you hear that word?" Their father asks them.

Asher and Raelynn look at their mother and point at her, Evie's eyes widening in shock. Bryce sees what his older siblings are doing, and he imitates them and points to his mother, Evie's mouth drops.

"If I said that word around kids you would have killed me," says Nikki and walks towards his wife.

"I didn't want to," Evie sighs and closes her eyes a little and looks tired at her husband. "I was just... They were so noisy... even the dog... I lost my temper."

"Hey, it's ok," he smiles softly and brushes her cheek. "Kids," he says and looks at his children seriously, "you won't say that word again. You upset your mother. Ok? Now go to your rooms."

The three children nod and leave with the dog, Rexx.

"Asher was just very happy that Skylar's operation was successful," Evie adds.

"I'm glad to hear that," says her husband and puts his hands on her waist.

"If you'd seen his face... He was so worried. How amazing children can be."

"Yeah, they're really wonderful," Nikki smiles. "How about we do another one?"

"What the?" Evie frowns and looks stunned. "Did you hit your head? Do you hear what you're saying? Another child? These little demons eat my soul sometimes."

"They will grow up and everything will be easy," her husband smiles and caresses her cheek. "And you'll get help anyway."

"We'll talk about it later," Evie smiles.

"You will finally accept," he tells her, bringing his face closer to hers, feeling her breath over his face. "This house will be full of children."

"Not that it wasn't already full of children" Evie laughs.

"Not enough yet," Nikki grins.

"You are really crazy..." She giggles and wants to say something else but Nikki catches her lips in a very coveted and passionate kiss, making her shut up.

You make my world wild- A Nikki Sixx FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now