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A few days later
Class 1-A

Me: Okay, everyone~ Take your seats~

Everyone took their seats.

Me: Well, first thing first, welcome back! I hope you guys had fun with your mentors!

Almost everyone: Yes, sensei!

Me:*smiles* Good! Now secondly...

I looked at them with a serious look.

Me: I'm 100% sure you guys know about the conflict that happened during your on-the-job training.


Me: I'm a murderer and there's nothing can change that fact. This is for your safety, so... Whoever that don't want me to be their homeroom teacher can go to a new class that UA has prepared. You're free to go now.

The class door opened, revealing Midnight that will escort the students that don't want me to become their homeroom teacher.

But... No one stood up.

Midnight gave me a warm smile.

Me: Can I assume everyone in here wants me to become your homeroom teacher?

Kirishima: Of course! There's no way we'll leave you!

Hagakure:* Yeah! You did everything you could to make sure we can still be your students since the day the conflict ends!

Sero: She's right! You even went and met our parents for their opinions!

Todoroki: We couldn't ask for a better homeroom teacher, if you ask me.

Uraraka: I was shocked when they played the footage, but... I know sensei wouldn't do that without a reason. I mean, you're really playful to everyone, even to Baal-sensei. Beside everything they aired on television, I know nothing about sensei's past, but I know you're a kind person.

Iida: Sensei, you encouraged me when you found out about my brother's condition. I really felt thankful to you to the point I felt guilty when you visited me, Midoriya, and Todoroki everyday when we were hospitalized. I was thinking "if I haven't went and hunt for Hero Killer, there's no need for sensei to worry about us."

Midoriya: Sensei... I've been idolized All Might since I was a kid. I wanted to be like him. But, when it comes to idolized a teacher, I idolized you, sensei. When I become the No. 1 Hero, and there's someone asking me who was my teacher in UA, I'll say your name with proud. So, please!

Everyone including Bakugou stood up and bowed.

All except Bakugou: Stay here and become our homeroom teacher, sensei!

I smiled.

Me:*smiles* Thank you, you guys.

In the class that (Y/N) mentioned
Nezu POV

Snipe: Well, looks like the number of students that wished to be transferred to this class is zero.

Me:*chuckles* This was expected.

Ectoplasm: Well, there's no one can beat (Y/N) when it comes to charisma of a teacher.

Snipe: I can't believe he actually learned the basics of a teacher from Eraser.

Ectoplasm: Yeah... He's the last person I want as my homeroom teacher.

I just chuckled.

Class 3-A

Aizawa POV

Suddenly I felt irritated.

Amajiki: What's wrong, sensei?

Me: I feel irritated in all of sudden.

Back with (Y/N)

Me: Okay! Now that settled! Let's get back to homeroom notices!

Everyone sat back.

Me: Okay, for your today's hero foundational training, you'll be supervised by All Might. What is today's training? Huh, beats me. Onto the next topic... Summer break is fast approaching, and we can't let you guys just sit at home without doing anything.

Kirishima: Does that mean...

Me:*serious tone* That's right...

I clapped.

Me:*playful tone* It's time for summer break forest lodge!

Almost everyone: AWWW YEAAAAH!!

Ashido: Let's give each other dares!

Mineta: The baths!!

Tsuyu: And fireworks.

Iida: Summer break means curry...!

Me: The parameters of our activities will probably change in a natural environment. However! Who fall short of a passing grade for the end-of-term test will also go to the forest lodge but will go through remedial hell. So if you want to have fun to the fullest, do your best for the test!

Kirishima: Let's do our best everybody!!

Me: Oh, and another thing, I won't be with you guys during the summer break.

Kaminari: Eh? Why?

Me: Well, it's all over the news, so I'm sure you guys already knew about my marriage.

Midoriya: Now that you mentioned it... It's next week, right?

Me: Yep! And after that me and Ei will go for honeymoon. Well, honestly, I don't care about that kind of thing but Ei wants it that bad, so yeah. The one that will accompany Class 1-A is Aizawa-sensei and the one that will accompany Class 1-B is Vlad-sensei. That's why we have four homeroom teachers for heroics department. Aizawa-sensei and Vlad-sensei take the third-year while me and Ei take first-year and second-year. And in case one of us need to be away for about a week or so, one of the teachers will replace the one that is away for the meantime.

Everyone*thought*: Why did he suddenly told us how the heroics department system works?

Me: Well, that's all for today's homeroom session! See ya!

To be continued...

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