Chapter 34: Death to the Team

Start from the beginning

"I just wish you told me these things before your father told me." 

"I'm sorry. I was going to tell you, I just don't know how to bring it up." 

I nodded as Tad's voice echoed the hall. 

"Oh, hey Nora and Everett," Tad said as he swung a bag over his shoulder. 

"Hey Tad," Everett said as he zipped his coat up. He turned back to me and shrugged. "I should get ready. I'll see you out on the field." He gave one last kiss to me before walking off, leaving me with Tad. 

"Did he just greet me?" Tad asked in shock. 

"I guess he did." 

"So, girl, you have to spill. What is going on with Charles back on the team. I thought they would have kicked him off with the intention to never have him back on the team." 

"It's the university. They want to win and will do anything to get there."


"My thoughts exactly." 

"And your dad can't do anything about it?" 

"If he can he hasn't tried. All I know is that Charles will be the death of this team," I pouted. 

"That's a little harsh, don't you think?" Charles' voice rang out.

My eyes met his with furry. Seeing him caused my insides to coil and my blood to run hot. He was the cause of all the problems but yet he stood around like it was no big deal. "This an A B conversation. You can C your way out."

He chuckled as he adjusted his sweatpants. "You are cute when you are fiery."

I had enough of him. With my head held high, I took a step closer to him, ready to give him a piece of my mind. 

A smirk appeared on his lips as he stared at me, waiting for my move. 

"Nora, can you help me out here?" Paul asked as he struggled to carry supplies for the game.

"Don't think we are done," I threaten to Charles before peeking out from Charles with a smile. "Sure thing!" I called out to him, happy to leave Charles. 

"What was that about?" Paul asked as he handed me some empty water bottles. 

"Nothing important."

He nodded. "I'm not saying this because I want to boss you around, but because I want to watch out for you. You should stay away from Charles." 

I frowned, nearly dropping the water bottles. "Why do you say that?" 

He shrugged. "He's just no good." 

No good. Those words raced through my mind for hours. It consumed my thoughts, allowing me to only think of them. If he was no good, the school should do something about letting him back in. Dad should have tried better, the assistant coaches should have tried. Instead, they were failing the team. Frustration and exhaustion slowly brewed within me. Before I knew it, I was standing beside Dale, talking to him during half time. 

"Man, your father wasn't lying about getting me the best seats in the house," Dale grinned as he looked out at the field in front of him as the band played. 

"He is a man of his word, isn't he?" I asked with venom in my tone. 

He nodded, not picking up the venom. "Hell yeah he is." 

"So what do you think about the game so far?" 

Dale as he took a sip of his beer and shook his head in disbelief. "It's amazing. Man, everyone is playing so well! I just wish I saw more of Everett. We all know he is the star." 

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