"We can't leave, my son is out there. Rick and Shane are out there!" Lori shouted.

"Look Lori, Carl is fine. He more than likely is with Rick and Shane, they're gonna take care of him. " You said "He's gonna need you to be strong alright, go pack."

Lori nodded before grabbing her gun and bag. You made sure your gun was loaded before taking your ax out. Herschel walked out the door with a shotgun in his hand, firing at the dead.

"Let's go, people!" Daryl shouted "Get to the cars and get the hell out!"
You made sure everyone was out the door, you watched Maggie pull Herschel to a car. Glenn right beside them. Beth was right behind them with Patrica, but she was snached from her arms, T-Dog led her away. You saw Andrea and Carol being surrounded, you knew Daryl was doing a check, making sure everyone left. You saw walkers gathering around Andrea and you killed them, you got Carol out of the way before walkers surrounded you.

"Y/n!" Carol shouted.

"Go! Just run!" You shouted back.

You ran out of ammo fast, you made a choice and ran to the woods. It's risky to do, but it was better than staying at the farm. You killed walkers with your ax, it was harder to do, but it's better than nothing. Once you saw no more walkers taking place, you looked around. You knew they were heading back to the highway, so you made your way there. Hoping you were going the right way.
You recognized where you were. You couldn't tell how much you ran and walked, but you were very tired and wanted a break. But you climbed up the hill and saw the railing, you went over it and looked behind you to see the group. Daryl wasted no time, putting you in his arms, he was shaking.

"I thought I lost ya." Daryl said kissing you "You alright?"

You nodded.

"We lost Shane, Jimmy, Patricia, and Andrea." Rick said "But we can't go back. We have to keep moving, no matter what. Everyone get ready."

"Where are we going to go?" Maggie asked.

"I don't know, but we'll find something." Rick said "We have to."

You looked at Lori, you needed to find something soon. You followed Daryl to the motorcycle, getting on with him.
You had hoped that everything was going to be alright, but you couldn't be sure this time. It was going to be a hard winter and everyone knew it. You're glad that you had packed some things before leaving.

Few hours out and a honk was heard, you all got on the side of the road. You noticed that the sun was going down, it was gonna be dark soon and you didn't have any shelter.

"We stay in the woods tonight, keep watch." Rick said.

"Rick, we found Randell. But he was a walker, his neck was broken, no bite." Glenn said "What the hell is going on?"

"We can't stay out here in the open." Maggie said "People and walkers could find us."

"We need to find shelter." Carol said.

"What happened out there with Shane?" Lori asked.

"Jesus, why won't you people just drop it." Rick said.

"We have a right to know." Glenn said.

"We're infected. All of us were infected." Rick said.

"What?" Daryl said.

"No matter what, no matter how we die. We come back and we become walkers." Rick said "Edwin told me before we left."

"How could you not tell us this?" T-Dog said.

"Why didn't you tell us about this?" Carol asked.

"I did it for the group. I mean, Jesus christ, I killed my best friend for you people. Everything I've done for the group." Rick said.

Your blood ran cold, he killed Shane. You can turn into walkers after death, no matter what. Even though he withheld information, doesn't mean he didn't care for the group.

Night came sooner than you liked, you cuddled next to Daryl. His arm wrapped around you to keep you warm.
Rick walked around, taking watch.

"We're not safe with him." Carol said.

"We should leave, make it on our own." Maggie said.

"No, we stay together." Herschel said "It's safer that way."

"Rick isn't safe to be around." Carol said.

"Nah, done alright by me." Daryl said.

"Rick might have done some stuff, but that doesn't make him bad." Y/n said.

"You're an honorable man." Carol said.

"Rick as honor." Daryl said.

"Doesn't matter. He could put us in danger." Maggie said.

"If you want to leave, go ahead. I won't stop you." Rick said, coming out of nowhere "See if you can make it on your own. Any takers, no?"

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