Chapter 1_ Toonka, Litana, Jopis

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-"Three lucky winners are Commander Toonka of Wirpper Kingdom, Queen of Jungle and Princess Jopis of Molden Kingdom!"


Litana thinks to herself, she doesn't have many secrets, but if possible, Litana wants to know who caused the fire in the first part of the Jungle. Og!Litana now turned to thank the person who helped her put out the fire.

- "Oh".

Jopis didn't expect she could be so lucky, if possible she hopes her wiki can expose the true nature of her older sister, Queen Elisneh. Since Miss Alis had said earlier that any form of attack or anything dangerous would not exist here, she hoped the illusion of the Moldenans would also be gone, because only then would they realized Elisneh, how dangerous that bitch is. (I don't know if Og!Jopis is still alive in the original novel, you know, because of Cale's influence the TBOAH plot has completely changed so I can't determine what she's like. The timelines of the two worlds when teleporting here are different so I'll leave Jopis out of TBOAH). She couldn't see herself on the other side either so maybe she herself was-... . Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted by a smile she thought was rather creepy.

- "KAHHAAHAHAHA". It's Og!Toonka.

-"That's right, I'll show you how strong I am! KAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" This time it's Toonka.

The reason why Toonka was so quiet until now was because every time he was about to get up or open his mouth, Harol would immediately pull him down and cover his mouth. But the moment he opened his eyes, he smelled a very strong smell, there were many strong individuals in this room, which made him very excited when he heard his name.

-"Alright". Alis spoke up and peeked somewhere on B's side.

"Choi Han, Ron, Beacrox"

The three of them looked at her

-"If you're looking for "him", don't worry, he and the kids are elsewhere".

Hearing this, Choi Han was relieved, but Ron and Beacrox were still suspicious. Their young master had just woken up from being unconscious for three days, and suddenly they were teleported here. Not to mention they didn't know if Alis was trustworthy, Ron felt that Choi Han was too trusting and wondered if it was really possible to let Choi Han be the bodyguard for the young master.

-"Ok, please look up here, or if anyone feels uncomfortable a small screen will appear in front of you, the wiki will appear on it!" . Ablack screen appeared in front of everyone.

- "Come to the chair with your name on it to sit"

-"Oh, I forgot to say, we will only react to TCF" Alis said



Many people on Party A protested.

-"Don't tell me that, these are the rules, and moreover at TCF it's much more fun!"






+The Tyrant

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