Chapter One ~ The Rescue

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12:30. It was 12:30 AM. Long after curfew. I know she'll be home, waiting, crossed legs, disapproving face. It's my own fault. Most people stay out after their moms have designated, be back home by ___ time, because they don't want to be the one who has to leave the friend group early because their mom said so. In my case, I stalled out the time by myself so I was significantly late on purpose. I don't know why. I think I want her to yell at me. I think I'm lonely. Everyone always says, don't worry about boys, boys will come and go but your friends are forever. Well I've never had a boy and I've never kept a friend for longer than half a year, so god I hope that's not true.

I stepped into my backyard sighing. Another lonely night followed by another angry fight. I walked by the shed in my backyard and placed a hand on it. My mom never used the shed and my dad left long ago so this was usually my hideout to get away from people. Although not tonight, most nights I spend my time just huddled up in here. Mom never thought to check here when she was looking for me so it was kind of perfect. I don't think she remembers we have a shed. I stopped stalling and entered my house.

"I won't acknowledge it." My mom said immediately after hearing me slowly creak open the door.

"I got lost." I lied.

"You didn't get lost. I see you tell me that you're going out with friends, only to hide in that shed with a sketchbook for hours. Then you come home late and actively try to make me upset. I'm your mother. I'm not someone you need to impress, and I'm not a coping mechanism, I'm your support system. I'd like you to use me."


"Please go to your room.' She told me with a stern tone. I knew she was right. She knows me. I go through this phase everytime a friend group dumps me. I wish it happened less. I didn't say anything and walked up the stairs to my room. Mom's words stuck with me. Time was slow and my heartbeat was loud. I wasn't falling asleep tonight. After enough tossing and turning I tried to get my mind off of those words by reminiscing about the shed. I remembered how it would have tools and a bucket full of outdoor activities. I remembered throwing the darts from the bucket up in the air, getting them stuck in the ceiling and hitting them down with the rake. I remembered singing songs and powering the lawnmower on and off in sync with my voice as an instrument. After such a bad day, these pleasant memories were so nice. I couldn't sleep anyway, I might as well check out the shed. The nostalgia would be nice at least.

I snuck out of my house unnoticed and crept towards my shed. I turned the knob and opened the door to an inside of pure tar-like blackness. It was the dead of night but this still felt way too dark. I couldn't even see a single tool inside of the shed. Nevertheless, I walked into the shed. As I walked in, the world behind me disappeared. I stood there confused, surrounded by pure darkness until it happened. I felt my feet grow uneasy as the invisible ground below me ceased to exist and I started to fall. I landed on my back and got up completely unharmed in a bright neon world where the trees were shovels and the clouds were hula hoops. It was a whole universe based entirely on what I had kept in my shed. It was mesmerising and kind of fun to make the connectections.

"Halt!" I heard a voice demand me. As I turned I noticed I was surrounded by an army of screws.

"Who do you serve?" They asked.

"I don't know, I don't know where I am." I told them concernedly.

"BAH! Obviously she's a spy for the hammerheads! Twirlers, take her to the queen!" One of them told the others. They tied me up and began to drag me away. I yelled for help and tried to squirm my way out of the situation. They weren't very strong, but there were a lot of them and they overpowered me completely. This whole thing was so confusing and terrifying and so I continued to cry for help. It all seemed pointless until I saw one person run over to me. He looked goat-like and wore a green cloak and a pink scarf.

"Put her down please!" He told the screws, or sorry, Twirlers.

"We can't do that!" They told him. "She's a spy. And by the way you're talkin, I'd say you are too."

"Oh, I do hope this doesn't hurt you, but if she's what I think she is, I can't spare that expense." He said. After that cryptic mumbling he raised his hand and I felt myself rapidly gaining mass and the Twirlers below me were crushed while I was like a turtle, stuck on my back and helpless. He then snapped his fingers and the before squirming Twirlers instantly fell asleep. He lowered his arm back into his cloak and I felt my mass go back to normal. He ran up to me and held my hand.

"Are you alright!?" He asked me frightenedly. "Did those Twirlers hurt you?"

"No... I'm alright." I told him.

"Oh phew!" He happily said, clapping. "My name is Ralsei. Welcome to the Dark World" He told me.

Soft and Sweet - Ralsei x Reader - DeltaruneWhere stories live. Discover now