Chapter 19-Calm Before The Aftermath

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Siesta-'His eyes are lost. He told me he had lost something. I'm guessing it's something emotionally related. How can I befriend him? I must comfort him. Wait, I think this might work. It can benefit me as well as him.'

Midoriya-'My life is all upside down. It was never ok from childhood. Without them, how can I carry on?'

Siesta(clearing her throat)-"So, Midozu."

Midoriya looked up from his phone and looked at her.


Siesta-"So, you know about jujutsu?"

Midoriya widened his eyes at this. He thought that he was the only one who knew about it. He looked around to see the other people present talking with each other and leaned a bit towards her.

Midoriya-"How do you know about that?!"

Siesta(smiling)-"I'm not a detective for nothing. I know a few things that other people don't know."

Midoriya(sighing)-"What can I do with you?"

Siesta(smiling)-"Nothing. Just answer my question."

Midoriya-"Yeah. I know about jujutsu. I have known about it since I was 7 or 8 yrs old. But I started using it from 10."

Siesta-"That's pretty impressive. It's little unbelievable you used it so early. So, have you visited the Tokyo Jujutsu Tech or the Kyoto Jujutsu Tech? They are the only places I know which were the jujutsu schools."

Midoriya(scratching his chin)-"Tokyo. I didn't even knew that there was a Jujutsu Tech School in Kyoto."

Siesta then slowly leaned over to him, making the kid fluster a bit and looked straight into his eyes.

Siesta-"So, do you think that you can teach that to me?"

Midoriya(nervous)-"" 'Why is she close to me?? I'm so bad with girls!!'

Siesta-"Please Midoriya? It can help me a lot. You had seen how useless how I was at the fight. I had to use just my rifle stock, and many times I was outnumbered."

Midoriya(gulping)-"O-o-ok. First, c-can y-you see c-cursed energy?"

Siesta got back to her seat and nodded. 

Siesta-"Yup. I had seen that time at the fight. Your fist was covered in black and red aura."

Midoriya-"That was the Black Flash. A move allowing me to collapse space between my opponent and myself and attack at the power of 2.5. It's difficult."

He pulled out his notebook and started flipping through its pages while his eyes returned to normal. Siesta noticed this and sighed.

Siesta-'At least he is distracted and his eyes have become normal. All I need to do is ask him something related to fight or quirks or something and it might work.'

"Here's your order, sir and mam."

The waiter from before came and brought their order. He put it on the table.

Siesta-"Oh, thanks! I wasn't expecting so fast serving."

Waiter-"We try our best to serve as fast and good as possible."

Midoriya-"Let's try it."

The waiter left the area while the duo started. Siesta was ate the whole choco lava cake while Midoriya was in the middle of eating the burger. Siesta's eyes mistakenly went over to his.

 Siesta's eyes mistakenly went over to his

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