Chapter 1: Hello old friend.

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The smell of fresh eggs and French toast flows through the morning air of the Hazbin Hotel. There Alastor was, cooking breakfast for everyone just a bit before they woke up. A little while after he was done plating everyone's food a knock was heard from the door.


Was it a lowly sinner thinking they had even the slightest bit of chance at being redeemed? Or was it just a regular prankster coming to make fun of those in the hotel. Whatever it was, it would just keep knocking. Finally, after getting tired of the knocking, Alastor opened the door just to see... Angels... Alastor froze up at the sight of them not knowing why they were here, maybe Charlie will finally have the right support or maybe they're here to kill certain demons. One of the angels started to speak.

"Hello there sir, may we please come in? We have something very important to discuss with the princess." They said. Alastor could only nod, hoping he'll be able to make it out alive before the end of the day. Alastor motioned for them to follow him to the dining room where, fortunately, Charlie was already seated, eating some of the food Alastor made.

Once Charlie noticed the angels standing in front of her she quickly cleaned herself up trying to keep some of her excitement at bay.

"Hi! My name is Charlie Morningstar! How can I help you?" Charlie said beaming with joy. The angels looked at her with very stern faces.

"We're here to take back an old friend of ours. He went by the name Alastor." One of them spoke. Charlie looked as if she was thinking. There was only one person in the hotel that went by that name, but it couldn't be him, could it? Alastor lived a life on the surface just like every other sinner down in the pride ring, he couldn't have been an angel all this time, right?

While this was going on Alastor was off in his room reading a book, trying to calm down from the little spook he had when he saw the angels at the door, he soon paused when a knock came from his door. Thinking it was Charlie he opened it, when he did however, one of the other angels from before tackled him to the ground, wrapping a chain to his neck.

"Don't worry my love, me and the others will fix you." The angel said, chilling Alastor to the bone. Just as the angel said that, he felt as though his body was changing. It felt as though there was a weight on his back, he looked at his clothes and saw that they were white with red and gold accents. He still felt the ears on his head but they felt a bit more sensitive.

"There. All done, now your back to your old body, all that's really left is your mind." The angel said with a sickly sweet tone. The let Alastor go once it was done, he then ran to his mirror to see what horrific changes had happened to him. The main thing he noticed were his wings. Big, strong, and fluffy wings sat on his back. He felt he was having a panic attack.


Both Alastor and the angel made it downstairs making their way to the lobby, where the others were now sat. Just as Alastor walked in the room everyone began to stare. Awed by his beauty, they all fell silent. Alastor soon ran out the door to the city to get away from everyone at the hotel. He soon made his way to a little cafe he'd go to on any normal day. Once he walked in everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at Alastor.

Alastor tried to act normal but the on going stares from everyone in the cafe were making him more nervous by the second. As soon as he opened his mouth to ask for a coffee, the barista took out a cup that looked to be filled with a mocha, lots of chocolate shavings, and caramel drizzled lightly on top of a mountain of whipped cream. He was handed the sugar filled drink along with an egg sandwich. Alastor looked more than confused but didn't want to pry on why he was given such things before he even asked for his usual.

As the deer sat down to eat his food, all of the other imps and low lives couldn't help but stare at the beauty before them. They could recognize that it was Alastor but he wasn't his usual demon self. He was an angel. Everyone began to sneakily take pictures of Alastor, posting them to every piece of social media they had. Just as this was happening, Alastor was finishing up his drink, finding that he somehow enjoys the overly sweet "coffee". Just as he finished he got up and left to see if he could get through his day without being stared at the whole way through. Only time will tell.

847 words, holy fuck.

Alastor's an angel!?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin