A/N Update

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So, I know I've been gone for a long while (writing wise), and I do plan on updating this story, I still have the next chapter as a WIP, I need to get a draft ready before I get it out and I have a cover in the works finally so expect that at some point.
You guys do have to keep in mind that I'm still in school and I do have my model work I need to get done in a timely manner (this was purely a side thing I did cause I knew I could make something great) I'll be working on the draft in between models and school work so I can hopefully give you the next chapter with characters we now have for hazbin.

I hope you sinners have been doing well and I know you will be pissed seeing only an update and not a chapter but I can't make them pop out my brain like magic (wish it worked like that though). Either way, see you all soon, hopefully in the next actual chapter!

I actually have about 200 words on it right now so I'm getting somewhere.

Dostali jste se na konec publikovaných kapitol.

⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Apr 14 ⏰

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Alastor's an angel!?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat