Memories and Hope

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It was a clear night on Port Raphael. Seven year old Narcissa lay on her back staring up at the midnight blue sky scattered with stars. Next to her lay her father pointing out the various constellations.

"That one on the left be Orion the hunter. People used to believe the gods would honor heroes by putting their image in the stars."

"Wow! And now you use them to navigate!" exclaimed Narcissa in aw and delight.

"Aye, that's right," chuckled Hector Barbossa.

"Well perhaps Narcissa can use them to navigate her way to bed." Narcissa and her father sat up to see her mother Lydia Davis walking up the hill her long ash blonde hair fluttering in the light wind. Narcissa pouted.

"But we haven't finished! And I'm not even tired!"

"Any child of a pirate worth their salt ought to know the stars," Hector pointed out.

"You are a bad influence," her mother told her in a scolding tone though she was clearly holding back a smile.

"Pirate," said her father with a roguish grin.

"Please can I stay up a bit later? Father won't be here for very much longer?" pleaded Narcissa who always relished every second she got to spend with her father. Her mother appeared to waver.

"I don't oof!" her mother gasped as her father pulled her off balance so she landed on the grass next to them with a soft thump. Lydia attempted to look annoyed but soon a smile broke across her face and they were all laughing. Once their mirth had subsided her mother asked.

"So Narcissa, what's your favorite constellation?"

"Narcissus" she replied pointing to said constellation.

"Because yer named after it?" her father asked. Narcissa shook her head.

"No, because the stars in it are said to watch over sailors. So as long as it's there you can find your way back to us." Her parents shared a look she couldn't quite define then her father gave her a small smile looking at her as if she were more important than all the treasure in the world.

"Aye that be true lass." The three of them didn't speak much for the rest of the night. After a while Narcissa was dimly aware of her father carrying her to bed. She leaned her head against his chest and fell asleep. Safe in her father's arms.


Narcissa opened her eyes, savoring the happy memory. She sat on the roof of the governor's house staring up at the sky. Jack the monkey was perched on the roof next to her. The monkey had been a constant companion to her though she still hid him from Weatherby.

The silence was interrupted by her adoptive sister, Elizabeth, climbing somewhat awkwardly out the window to sit next to her.

"Mind if I join you?" she asked. Narcissa shook her head.

"Feel free."

"You're thinking about him again aren't you?" Elizabeth said softly. Narcissa nodded.

"Two years ago, I was sitting in this exact spot when the Pearl attacked. At least before I knew there was a chance he was still out there. A chance that we might meet again." Elizabeth wrapped an arm about Narcissa's shoulders.

"I understand it's probably quite hard. I can't imagine losing my father," she paused. "I didn't like him, but even I could see he cared about you." Narcissa nodded and then forced a smile.

"At least one good thing came out of that adventure." Elizabeth raised an eyebrow.


"You and Will quit acting like stubborn fools and admitted what was blatantly obvious to everyone else for years." Elizabeth laughed.

"I wish I could disagree, but you're right."

"I'm just glad you two will be tying the knot tomorrow. Are you excited?" Narcissa asked her sister. Elizabeth smiled back at her.

"I am. It'll be the happiest day of my life."

"And I'll be right by your side." Narcissa told her.

"Like you always have been," said Elizabeth placing her hand over Narcissa's.

"Speaking of your wedding we should both be getting some sleep." the redhead added. Her blond companion nodded in agreement and they both climbed back inside followed by Jack.

"You know that thing still creeps me out," Elizabeth said as she glanced at the monkey who looked like a skeleton in the moonlight that shone from the window.

"Someone had to take care of the little fellow," Narcissa replied with a shrug.

"Just don't let father see him," Elizabeth warned before embracing Narcissa and heading to bed. Not long after Narcissa followed suit.

Author's Note: Chapter one of our next book! I'm going to try and sprinkle in a few more flashbacks as things went on. Let me know your thoughts in the comments it always makes my day to hear from my readers! Until next week!

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