i'll always be here to make you feel at home

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Here the two of them are, at a bubble tea place lively with so many strangers, the pressure of work heavy on their shoulders. For all that, it's these little touches and moments between them that give eachother warmth and comfort, something familiar and homelike in an outside place.

Because "I can't breathe," Brett says as his hand is out in front of Eddy. It prompts a moment of panic within Eddy; a false alarm in his brain, lodged there from many past experiences, telling him maybe something's wrong, maybe he's feeling ill.

His very first instinct when he sees Brett's hand in front of him-it's to reach out and meet it with his own. It's a soft gesture burned into the very core of his memory, all too familiar since he's done it a million times before. He can't help himself.

He feels the gentle touching of their hands for only a moment, but the touch itself, it's the welcoming rush of warmth he needs. He glances at him momentarily, and Brett's okay. He's okay.

It sends reassurance through Eddy's veins, just like the soft words of comfort they say whenever they're alone together-I'm right here. Everything's going to be okay. I love you.

As much as he wants to hold on forever, because he can still see the anxieties running at an absolute high within him, with being in a work setting bustling with people-it won't be long until it's just the two of them alone. He drops his hand, knowing there's still moments to come.

He can say their laughter together and Brett's "I'm just joking" that follows makes up for it, though.

So they carry on with working ceaselessly, taking orders, brewing the bubble teas, handing them to their customers. All the while, their gazes find eachother's over the heads of the crowd, and they call across the room to talk to eachother.

Eddy glances at Brett as he figures out how to work the machines, how to take people's orders-and he thinks, Brett, my love, I'll always be here to make you feel at home.

At one point, Eddy comes up behind Brett while he's brewing a bubble tea, awfully tired as he is. He rests his hands on his love's shoulders and leans on him with both arms, into his space like he belongs just there, between his shoulder blades-and he does, without a doubt.

It never fails to leave him in awe, how Brett doesn't even falter, despite being surrounded by a crowd of people; in some way, he knows it can only ever be Eddy's hands on him.

Eddy smiles to himself, letting one hand linger on Brett's shoulder before pulling away completely and heading back to his station, back to work.

(Here the two of them are, at a bubble tea place lively with so many strangers, the pressure of work heavy on their shoulders. For all that, it's these little touches and moments between them that give eachother warmth and comfort, something familiar and homelike in an outside place.)

(Brett, my love, I'll always be here to make you feel at home.)

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