=[Chapter 1.5 - Rockstar Row. (1.)]=

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(Pssssst! Hey, Del here! So you're probably confused and annoyed by the 1 and .5, yeah? Lemme explain this real quick, probably best to write it down yourself. There'll be in-betweens on certain chapters, probably for something goofy or something else, but it'll also be for when Chaddy boi comes back to a place he's already visited, day or nighttime. Of course, it might not be used often because the place IS massive then you think. Now ah, I know I was gonna be quick but I oughta explain that I'll also be a little bit meh on my schedule for this but so far I'm thinking once a week should do. If it helps, I'm also reading upon other stuff to help motivate me. Enough said, onto the story!)


At some point, he had to get out of the office. It was a decision he was personally against, but Management specifically told him it was a good idea to 'stretch your legs', which meant that he had to walk.

Not around the office, but around the PLACE. He wasn't too happy about it, but who would agree? Anyone who was a fan of this place would be THRILLED to walk around here. He, however, wasn't.

All he wanted to do was his job, yet-

...Okay, well, actually, this is part of the job, now that he thinks about it, he just doesn't wanna deal with the Animatronics.

He was still a little sore about the mini golf thing. And considering which area he was walking around in, it was gonna get worse. Way worse.

It was a bit of a walk, but once he entered through the door, he was greeted to the more colorful, less static-y and real version of Rockstar Row, where a small museum resides within, and four domains that belong to a certain animatronic each.

There were various other guests here, too. From adults, to teens, to kids. A good handful of those teens were probably a little bit bored out of their mind, but the kids seemed to be running about, looking at the various objects or playing a little bit of tag - much to the dismay of parents - around the museum.

If he had to guess, there wasn't a show going on at the moment and the Glamrocks are gonna wander in here to take photos. He might as well get this over with before HE shows up.

Walking over until he reached it, he stood in front of the glass as he stared at the inside of Glamrock Chica's room. Pink like bubblegum, as expected. He didn't talk to her yet, but from what he can guess, she was really nice like her leader. Basically the second hand to Glamrock Freddy when Glamrock Bonnie decided to cut it back and focus on bowling. The other counterparts weren't too surprised, to say the least, but there were a couple rare times where he took up his spot on stage once more.

Back on topic, the chicken has her own zone somewhere. He forgot the name of it, but from what he was told, it had to do with eating, then exercising to get rid of the calories. Now, that would be fun and all, if the company didn't add a eating function to Chica.

Yeah, he wasn't too stoked when he learned that part. It wasn't fun when he also learned that the other chicken counterparts weren't amused with this and demanded their own, which was granted, except for one particular counterpart, but he'd rather not talk about that.

Now, to be honest, he wouldn't really mind it if it didn't come to the risk of his supply of goods in his office. Thank god that no one but HIM can enter that office once he leaves it, but he highly doubts that's gonna stop them from organizing some kinda plan.

Looking around at the room, he made small mental notes about the stuff that was there, like the guitar, the arcade machine, a plushie here or there, some empty pizza boxes, a couple of art pieces-

His eyes snapped back to the empty pizza boxes, his mood going down increasingly. A couple of people who walked past the security guard flinched when they felt a high wave of annoyance coming from said security guard. One of them leaned a little bit to see his expression, let out a snort and slightly elbowed her friend. "You see that look on his face? Isn't that the same face your Ma makes when she walks into your room?"

The teenage boy let out a grunt, side-eying the guard. "I really don't need the thought of my old hag infecting other adults with that look." This got a hearty laugh from the girl as Chad moved towards the entrance to the Glamrock's room in a robotic manner.

A minute later, the security guard had walked out of the room with the pizza boxes tucked under his arm. Issues be damned, if he had to come by and clean that mess everyday and night, so be it, no matter the funny looks he got from others. Next was Monty's room.

And oh how much he regretted that decision.

Apparently, Monty was MUCH worse. Chad almost dropped the junk from under his arm to get into a cleaning frenzy due to... Monty's 'touches'.

Cracks on the wall, couch turned over, curtain messy- it wasn't easy to describe on Chad's end, but that wave of annoyance from earlier turned into a wave of anger, which was felt by the others as soon as he saw the status of the room.

He felt the stares on him. Personally, he wouldn't care, but after seeing this? Yeah, he was so TEMPTED to storm in there and sort it out himself, but he had a job to do. He'd hold aside the Gator's remarks if he can get in there and clean.

Grabbing the bill of his hat and lowering it enough to cover his eyes, he forcibly turned and slowly walked to the other room.

He let out a sigh of relief when he looked at the next room. Roxanne Wolf's, or Roxy's, room. Purple, fitting for the Wolf. A race car here, hopefully not a real one, some plushies of herself there, trophies, wrenches, tires, a race-themed arcade game, hell, its literally anything you'd expect from someone who owns Roxy's Raceway, which is hers.

From what he hears, Roxy has a couple of issues herself, but not as bad as her bandmate to the right of her.

He might get along with her a tiny bit, as long as she doesn't get a little... 'big' on herself.

He did note a couple of messes here or there and decided that he'll take care of it later. There was one more room he's gonna look at and then he's going back to the Central Station to de-stress with a 'Mini Jim' or something.

The main attraction and the lead singer of the Glamrock Crew himself, Freddy Fazbear. One of the newer models and new generation of Fazbears there is. Strangely enough, Freddy didn't seem to have any issues aside from the whole 'softy' thing he's hearing about, but that was just witty banter between them.

Aside from the obvious mess of plushies, Chad looked at the inside of the room with a blank look. To be honest, it was kinda plain for someone like Freddy. Nice, simple and nothing too much. He did have a arcade machine like his other bandmates, but what else was there to point out aside from the giant plush...?

He stayed there a bit longer before shaking his head and stepping away. He thought back for a moment and adjusted his cap briefly, letting some hair fall out. A little bit of red entered his vision. Believe it or not, before the interview really started, he was mistaken to be a fan of Freddy's because of his unique hair color. For some reason, genetics decided to bless his family with a couple of things. Different eye colors and a second hair color to go with it. Okay, sure, it doesn't really sound special, but...

Pretty sure people weren't supposed to be born with unnatural red hair or red eyes. Truthfully, only the front of his hair was brightly red with the rest of it being black, so it's kinda obvious that he'd be getting asked if he dyed his hair like that. Most of the time, he'd have to bear with it and say 'yes'.

He didn't really make any mind of it, but it draws the line when people demand to take off his 'contacts' for some stupid reason.

Though, the interviewer seemed to have like the looks, because it makes him different to the others and fits in with the rest, much to his amusement.

Fixing his cap onto his head, he walked off to rid himself of the garbage and then go back to the station, not eager to deal with  what may happen later on. When was he ever eager?

[End of Chapter.]

[Updated and smoothed up Chapter 1!]

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