Blood, Epiphanies and the Comfort of Green

Start from the beginning

Edward followed closely behind, eyes dark in their anger at the threat to their mate. Or maybe because of Harry's blood, who knew.

"I'm okay dad, Harrison saved me." Harry rolled his eyes again and shifted uncomfortably at the intense eyes landing on him.

"You alright there son?" Harry almost got whiplash at the caring tone the man used. Charlie came close, examining Harry's face and arm with a frown. Then his eyes went to the collapsed man on the floor.

Charlie whistled.

"He got you good, but I'd say you gave it in return." Harry wasn't sure he'd ever met a better adjusted muggle father than Charlie.

"We better get you to a hospital." Harry's hackles immediately raised.

"No hospitals." he said firmly.

Charlies face, while sympathetic, twisted with discomfort.

"He can come to my house." offered Edward, Harry could've cheered at his plan (for once) working perfectly.

"Carlisle can fix him up." Charlie still looked unsure, but gave in.

Harry begrudgingly sat in the back of Edwards stupid car while Charlie took the unconscious man to the hospital, telling them he'd meet them at the Cullen's.

Harry ignored any and all attempt at conversation on the way to the mysterious Cullen home. They lived far out from town which was expected considering the circumstances.

Harry tried not to scrunch his nose in distaste when he saw the house itself. It was a horrifically modern thing, all black, white and unusual shapes that were meant to be 'thought provoking' but just looked like origami gone wrong.

Maybe Hogwarts had ruined Harry for the modern world but he would take drafty corridors, cosy fireplaces and ancient stone carvings over this failed art project any day.

The forest that surrounded it however was glorious, endless ever-greens that faded into blurs of hot and cold shades of green. Harry had had a complicated relationship with the colour green over the years, but a deep comforting sensation of longing and never being truly lost filled Harry as he stared at those trees.

Unfortunately he was not destined to travel through the forest today, instead allowing Edward Cullen to guide him up the ugly steps and into the ugly house.

A woman with light brown hair that flowed to her shoulders greeted them.

A seventh member?

"This is our Mother, Esme." Harry nodded vaguely to her, she had a mother hen look about her that he wasn't interested in.

"You poor dear, come this way. Jasper and Carlisle are in the study." disgust grew in Harry at anyone but Mrs Weasley calling him dear, but followed all the same.

Edward and Bella came along too, Harry continued to ignore them.

The house was huge inside too and far too clean for a family of that size. Honestly they were not doing a good job at pretending to be human.

Harry entered the study and felt the warm embrace of old furniture engulf him. A large desk, many over flowing bookshelves and various knick-knacks filled the room. Most interesting was the large painting behind the desk.

The three leaders of the Volturi along with -the blonde man that now stood next to Jasper who was obviously- Carlisle, dressed in 18th century clothing. Harry had seen similar paintings of them in his textbooks, but none with Carlisle.

Were they close with the Volturi?

But that didn't make sense, no Volturi member would be keen on the idea of drinking from animals.

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