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Darkness...Darkness....Thats all i see..Did i truly die? Or..was that just a bad dream...I cant hear..i cant this..truly heaven?...

Suddenly, a light flashed. It keeps getting brighter and brighter.

[Baby Crying]

Women : "Congratulations, Its a Girl!"

Women2 : "Goodness gracious!"

What is this?..Im a baby?? Who are these people..

The women gave me to the women lying on the bed.

Women2 : "Shes.. Gorgeous.."

They put me on some kind of a small bed. The nurses, i guess then left the room.

Not long after, A guy rushes through the door looking exhausted.

Guy : "Wheres my daughter?!"

Women2 : "Honey, shes here."

Guy : *gasp* "My daughter..."

He looked so happy just by looking at me. Looking at them i can tell that they were my parents. How could this happen? Well only one thing for sure...


I was Reincarnated.

BNHA x KonanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz