2. U Wanna Fite?

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Bad Bitches

Hey girls?

Big Sis Yuzu
What's up?

Drakens Waifu

Takemichis Bodyguard
Something wrong (Name)?

Lucid Dreamer
What is it fren?

Just curious...
Besides Yume,
Can any of you three fight?

Big Sis Yuzu
I can, but probably not as good
as Yume.

Lucid Dreamer
Nah, I think you're pretty good!

Big Sis Yuzu
But nowhere as good as you LOL!

Drakens Waifu
I'm not really the fighting type.

Takemichis Bodyguard
I've slapped a gang leader once but
that's about it.

Hold up!

Takemichis Bodyguard

Did you type that right?

Big Sis Yuzu
Yeah, run that back Hina!

Takemichis Bodyguard
Yes I did.

Drakens Waifu
Oh, I remember the boys telling
me about that!

Lucid Dreamer
And I was there to witness it too!!!
Takemichi looked so shocked,
And Draken looked sooo pissed!
And Mikey just stood there in
shock like a bird that flew into a
glass pane!!!

Takemichis Bodyguard
I knew what I was doing but I was
pretty scared at what could have happened
if Mikey wasn't such a nice guy.

Wait a minute!
Just noticed this!
By Draken and Mikey,
You mean the two leaders of TOMAN!?
And Emma is Drakens GF from
what her nickname tells me?

Lucid Dreamer
Sorry for not telling you anything.
I didn't wanna scare you away.

Are you KIDDING!?
You're all friends with the Invincible
Mikey and Draken!?

Drakens Waifu
Well, we all ether have a BF or brother
in Toman.
Draken is my boyfriend and Mikey is
my older brother.

Takemichis Bodyguard
My boyfriend joined not long ago.

Lucid Dreamer
Akito has been part of Toman since
Mikey first founded the gang.

Big Sis Yuzu
And my little bro is also a member.
You got a problem with that?

Hell no, that's awesome!
I was actually also part of a small gang
when I was younger before I moved.

Lucid Dreamer
No joke?

No joke!
I liked to get into fights for the
hell of it and got recruited by some
guys that had a small gang going.
Not like they were any good at fighting
so they needed someone so save their
sorry asses when they got in too deep.
I moved not long after that and started
fighting less.

Takemichis Bodyguard
Where did you learn to fight?

Eh, I got picked on a lot and I picked
up a few moves those guys would use on

Lucid Dreamer
Ooooo, I wanna see how good you are!

U wanna fite?

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