𝒗𝒊. superior lesbian

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YOU ARE IN LOVE,  olivia rodrigo

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YOU ARE IN LOVE, olivia rodrigo.
chapter six, 𝗌𝗎𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗂𝗈𝗋 𝗅𝖾𝗌𝖻𝗂𝖺𝗇!

"OKAY, I MIGHT BE LATE! BUT I'M HERE!" The familiar voice of Eliza Chavez filled the house causing Marley to put down the plate she was washing, before greeting her mother

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"OKAY, I MIGHT BE LATE! BUT I'M HERE!" The familiar voice of Eliza Chavez filled the house causing Marley to put down the plate she was washing, before greeting her mother.

"Hi baby. How are you?" Eliza spoke as she hugged her daughter. "I'm alright, you?" Marley smiled at the woman. "It's working so. Hey where's-" Her question got cut short by her son and his girlfriend coming to greet along with Olivia as well.

"Mom's upstairs, resting. I think she's a little anxious about the whole dinner." Spencer then told their mother who nodded before checking the time. "Well our guests are here in thirty. So i'll go get her and you finish the last things yeah?" All four gave her nods and thumbs up before they went into different directions.


At 5:30 Alejandro, Carina and their three kids arrived. The husband and wife both wearing straight faces. While their kids just seemed shy. Marley couldn't have sworn she saw her uncle watching her extra, since Olivia sat beside her at the dinner table.

"So Spencer I hear you're writing more music?" Alejandro started glancing over at the boy who swallowed his salad nodding. "Uh- yeah I am. Thinking about releasing my EP i'm working on soon." He answered causing Alejandro to raise his eyebrows. "Sounds big."

"Well it is." Marley mumbled under her breath hoping no one heard her, even though both Olivia and Sienna, Alejandro's oldest daughter both did.

"What about you Omar? Find high school any interesting?" Eliza smiled gently at the fourteen year old boy in front of her. "It's okay. A little different the middle school. But it's cool. And both Sienna and Maia are there so, that's nice."

"Right, what grade are you two in again?" Eliza asked the two daughters that sat on their mothers left side. "I'm a sophomore and Sienna's a junior."

Silence covered the air at the table again, the sound of eating only being heard which caused Marley to sigh. "So Marley." Carina started causing the Chavez girl to look at her with wide eyes. Confused she actually would open a conversation with her.

"Is this girl your- what do you say? Girlfriend?" The woman questioned nodding over at Olivia who blushed, Marley doing it as well before shaking her head. But before Marley could respond another voice cut in. "Mom that's literally Olivia Rodrigo. She's famous! You can't ask that." Sienna exclaimed earning a glare from her parents and a chuckle from both Olivia and Marley.

"Sorry. I'm just a- well brutal is one of my favourite songs right now." The sixteen years old winced as she watched her mother glare at her.

"Don't worry about it. I'm glad you like it by the way." Olivia smiled gently at the teen who gave her a quick smile back before looking back at her plate clearly still embarrassed about her outburst. Clearing her throat Sofia looked over the table, not missing the slight glare she was receiving from Carina.

"So, I hope you enjoyed dinner, the kids helped make some desert as well. Oh, and Milena dear did some wonderful cupcakes." She sent a smile to her brother who only raised his eyebrows before picking up his napkin, wiping away the small amount of sauce that gathered on the side of his mouth. "Why don't the kids leave the table to play or something, so we adults can discuss the thing."

"Dad were literally all over fifteen except Omar, we don't play." Maia cut in but quickly shut her mouth when she received a look from her parents.

"Let's check if our olds boardgames are still here?" Spencer smiled gently as he stood up meeting his mom's grateful look. "Sounds great." Marley grinned before grabbing Olivia's hand dragging her towards the living room, the rest of the "kids" following.

The Chavez living room was quite big, the biggest room in the house. Causing the "kids" to all go to different directions. Spencer and Millie making their way to the couch to share some conversation about the awkward family dinner, while Maia and Omar sat at the open fireplace both using their phones to pass the time.

"So, this is actually going better then I thought." Olivia spoke as she plopped down in the chair beside Marley who shrugged. "I mean kind off. Though both Alejandro and Carina have been throwing looks all over the place all night. Like can they just fuck off."

Chuckling the Rodrigo girl nodded. "True." Both girls sighed as they watched Sienna look over the family portraits hanging on the wall. "Hey- "Olivia whispered in Marley's ear causing the brunette to look over at her. "I need to use the restroom, but ill be back in a second." Nodding Marley watched the girl leave the room before looking back at Sienna.

Letting another sigh pass her lips the Chavez girl got up and started to approach her cousin.

"I remember when we took that one, Spencer was such a pain in the ass because he kept messing up my hair." Marley smiled slightly at the portrait of her and her brother in front some big statue grabbing Sienna's attention who stared back at her.

"I think Aunt Sofia and Eliza are really brave." The sixteen-year-old breathed out catching the brunette of guard. "I mean I know dad and mom always talk about how much they disrespect our culture and family name and all the other shit, but I think they're awesome. Not to mention you being so open with your sexuality and pronouns is such a cool thing as well."

Marley caught themself smiling at that but instead of responding they let their cousin continue. "If I ever decided to open up about my sexuality, I would probably end up in the street." That made Marley's smile fall of their lips.

Looking over Sienna realized what she just said causing her eyes to widened. "Oh, my go- this is so embarrassing. I just came out to you, and we barely talk or anything, shit."

Letting out a chuckle the brunette placed her hands on Sienna's shoulders, a soft gentle smile on her lips. "Don't worry about. Seriously I'm so proud of you, even though we might not be as close as we should you're still family. No matter how shit parents you have, no offense."

"But honestly, I'm really happy you felt combatable enough to tell me, even though you might not intend to do it." She continued earning a small smile from Sienna. "Thank you, it feels really good to say it out loud to someone who won't judge you." The sixteen-year-old spoke as Marley nodded.

"Does anyone else know?"

"Some of my friends and Maia, but only because she walked in on me and a girl making out in the school bathroom. But lucky enough she only told me she was happy for me lesbian or not. As long I was happy myself." Sienna explained while Marley only grinned.

"I can't believe there's a baby gay in the family! God that makes me so happy, do you have my number? I'm going to give you, my number. And then I can become your gay mentor."

"Trust me Sienna. Me, Marley Joan Chavez will teach you how to become a superior lesbian." Marley finished her rambling with a smirk causing her cousin to laugh. "That sounds so weird, but I'm okay with it."

viola speaks . . .
i'm kind of stressed with
getting chapters up rn cause
i have a bunch of exams, so
if there's any long wait that's why :)

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ⎯  olivia rodrigo.Where stories live. Discover now