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(For the song, I was imagining It's Been a Long, Long Time by Harry James, but you can use whatever you would like :D)

Your heart was pounding in your throat, physical exertion was never your strong suit. Your vision was partially blurred, but either way it didn't matter. It felt as if your body was on autopilot, taking you back to the safety of your home.

I should never have left- or should I? What if they are actually after me? No, you're being paranoid Y/N! Nobody knows who you are, you scold yourself. But... what if I'm not?

You hadn't realised you were back at your cottage. Your mind was still working separately from your body, which guided you along the front and off to the right, ripping open the side door. The loud bang of the door slamming shut was enough to shake you out of your head, which you were almost grateful for.

I need to get the hell out of here! you thought, hastily running around to collect whatever items you needed. But what about the animals? Another voice in your head spoke up. You froze where you stood, slowly putting a book back on the shelf. Yeah, I can't just leave the animals! You took a deep breath, attempting to steady your thumping heart rate. You're being irrational, Y/N!

But what if someone followed me here? you swallowed hard, your throat dry. Quickly scurrying to make sure there were no signs of life outside, you hastily shut the curtains despite it only being lunchtime. No, I have to go. It's for the best.

But the animals? The voice said again. You didn't know why you weren't freaking out at the sound of another voice in your mind. If anything, it sounded familiar and felt...almost soothing.

I can just let them go, they will be okay on their own, you retaliated, not moving from your spot hidden behind the curtains. The voice stayed quiet, which you accepted as a win. You knew they were still there, just holding their silence. You exhaled another deep breath; one you didn't know you had been holding. You squeezed your eyes shut, holding your hands on your face. You felt weirdly overwhelmed by what just happened.

What the hell do I do now? You asked yourself, hoping for an answer from the mysterious voice. They didn't reply, so you decided for yourself. Pack now, leave tomorrow. It was too late in the day to make it anywhere before nightfall, so it could wait. You just had to pray that no one was actually following you, or at least they would wait until tomorrow to strike.

There was a kingdom way beyond the village that you had heard some townsfolk talk about all those years ago. You could seek some shelter there until you figured out what to do, that's if it was still a kingdom, which you really hoped that it was.

You couldn't help but smile a little at how much luck you were relying on right now.

Let's just stop for a second. Am I really going to leave the cottage I've lived in for the past 253 years?

You shouldn't leave. The voice was back, attempting to reason.

Why not?

Radio silence.

Yeah, I am going to leave. It'll be good for me, right?

Don't go, was all they said, and this time, you knew the voice was gone for good.

Maybe I shouldn't go... you thought, rubbing your eyes tiredly.

Huffing in frustration, you walked over to your record player, placing your favourite vinyl in its slot and sitting on the chair next to it. It was a weak attempt at trying to calm yourself down, but it was worth a shot.

Agnosthesia (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now