"Arthur!" Arthur stands up at the sound of his name, exiting his game and hiding both his phone and earphones, and started stretching faster than his mother who opened the door "What are you doing?"

He yawns "I was asleep" He lies "You scared me" He says and places a hand on his chest "What's wrong?"

"Where's your Ate?" His mom asks

"Isn't she asleep?" He asks and looked to the side (Your hotel room is a total of three the living room and two adjacent room one of which you share with your brother the other is your parent's room) where your bed is but it was empty "joke?" He says confused and sits on his bed, wondering where you could be

"Dala ba ng Ate mo cellphone niya?" His mom asks and Arthur looks up from his thoughts, mouth parted as a silent sign for her to repeat her words "Did Y/n bring her phone?" 

"I'll call her" he assured with a nod and grabbed his phone from under his pillow without his mom noticing

But thunder strikes loud enough that it made his dad who was scrolling through his phone as he passing by (He doesn't usually join the conversation unless he really has too) "Is it raining?"

They all went silent to listen, and there it was the sound of rain falling and Arthur sighs finally seeing the text you left:

Dude tell mami and dadi Im in the rain 

"Ate's playing" He relays after reading the text

His mom sighs "Don't you think she's a little too old for that?"

"Let her be" His dad adds "If that's how she relaxes let he do what she wants beside I don't think our daughter is stupid enough to embarrass the family name by playing under the rain and tracking mud and water in this luxurious hotel"

You sat at a bench under a roof, placing your hand out to catch some of the rain on to your skin. You don't understand why but all of a sudden you felt overwhelmingly sad, the rain seemed to have made it worse

"Hey" Says a familiar voice and you looked at hi, the boy from yesterday, the one who gave you such a longing, sad look when your brother pulled you away. He was under the rain, his tied curly hair was dripping water from the rain, he had a button up and a pair of jeans that were drenched but he didn't seem all that bothered "Your the girl from yesterday"

"The guy who gave me water" You greeted and he laughs nodding 

"Glad to see that I left an impression on you" You shrugged and he motions to the extra space by your side "Can I join you? I'm a bit wet though, you ok with that?"

"Sure" You nod "I'm not afraid of water"

"Really?" He asks sitting beside you, a bit far away out of respect into not getting wet. You nod "If you're not then why aren't you under the rain?"

"I have no clothes, it'll be rude of me to walk into the hotel soaking wet"

"Well if that's the problem I can tell the staff to treat you with care"

"That kinda sounds arrogant" You murmured

"Within my rights" He smiles "I'm the heir for the hotel"

You laughed "Of course you are"

He stood up, returning under the rain infront of you, splashing against him slightly wetting your clothes "Wanna join me?"

"Under the rain?"

"Yeah" He offers his hand

You stared at it "My clothes though"

"I'll lend you some clothes" He assures, flicking his hand to show you again

I know its you //Camilo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now