"Yeah but they're all I have during those times."

"And was losing them all at once."

"We're sophomores now, thanks for being around, I tried my hardest to keep everything together."

"I'm finally comfortable enough, thanks to you, guys."

And silence both falls upon them, until Seungmin can hear sweet snores from Jisung.

"Goodnight, Baby." Seungmin mumbles in his heavy eyes and planting a chaste kiss on his phone, hugging his blankets tightly as if it would reach Jisung.


"I don't bore you?"

Standing on the edge of a blockade, they stare in front of an oil painting, abstract and filled with opaque strokes from a huge flat paint brush, a mixtute of yellow and blue, meeting end with purple and a murky gray, matching the neutral walls and the sky outside. It was quiet. a few sounds can be heard from distant chatters, but the vast space of the museum feels emptiers despite of not being completely desolate.

They've went on the date as planned, Seungmin driving up for a lunch first before heading to the talled museum at the coast. Jisung always appreciated picturesque views and aesthetic, he isn't surprised if the latter really is into such deep appreciations or even fascinated in histories and aesthetics, even if all Jisung could talk about is music.

"No, you don't bore me at all." Seungmin put his hands in his coat pockets. Shrugging hia shoulder at the brief cold from the air conditioner.

"A full contrast."

"Contrast?" Jisung tilted his head, scanning Seungmin's fearures. Both of them seemingly a full opposite of how they normally looked like whenever at parties. They've never gone out of their just the two of them for something specific other than food near the university.

"Jisung, you are of many things. Sometimes you're quite and peaceful like this."

"Sometimes, you are a menace to the all of Helle."

"You have eyes and ears for beauty. Everything about you is intricate."

"Just like the painting."

Jisung chuckled, kicking one of his feet lightly back and forth, looking at ground.

"It's strange to see you like this, Seung."

"I sometimes can't tell if you're always like this. Given how romantic you are."

"Or do you tell this to all of your girls."

"Don't beat yourself. I love you."

Seungmin put his hands over Jisung's shoulders, pulling him and kissed his temple.

"I really do."

"I didn't expect i'll enjoy being with you like this." Seungmin stared back at the painting.

"You don't before?"

"Well, I didn't have the masculine urge to kiss you every passing second, back then." Seungmin snaked his hands on Jisung's waist and Jisung did the same, laughing softly as they started walking away, looking to every piece and stopping on one before mocing to the other.

"You're too handsome to stay sad. Sung."

"Stop! I am- happy, also we're going to the frat party-

"Yes, yes, and away games is approaching fast soon, we'll be busy and you're coming with me." Seungmin started putting pressure on Jisung's hair as the older instinctively close his eyes, feeling the strain of his nerves loosen up.

"I have a three day grace to states, I'm producing songs with some people."

"That's awesome, baby. I'll call you often okay?"

"But if I don't answer don't be mad at me."

"Of course, love. I've faith in you. I know you've put yours on me."

Jisung blushed and hid his face under his scarf.

"Trust me, I don't want to fuck this up. This is different."

"Yeah, you're weird. Do you ever shut up?" Jisung snickers.


"I wanna eat some barbecue, are we spending the night on my dorm or yours?" Jisung huffed.

Upon the flight of steps in the stair downwards, greeted by the large space of the lobby and the fountains upon the entry, the two left the building, having spent hours and taking their time witht he company of each other. Seungmin intertwined their fingers swaying and walking with wide grin in his face.

"Thanks for taking me here, no one really have taken me out into a museum before, so I didn't know how you got the idea that I like them."

"But you like them now, don't you?"

Jisung smiled.

"Yeah, I do."

"I love puppies too."

Seungmin just nodded after the realization that Jisung used to call him puppy too.

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