Lᴇᴅɢᴇʀ Wᴀʟᴛᴇʀs

Start from the beginning

"Quinn Montgomery." I said softly, watching as crease lines formed on his cheeks as he smiled. "I know your Uncle, Byron, he taught me at college." Ledger looked back to the hospital door before us.

"What did you study in college?" I asked, lifting my water to my lips and allowing the cool beverage to calm me down slightly. "First aid, I took Literature and Chemistry." Ledger looked back to me, I noticed how his eyes had trails of green in them, but were mostly azure, it was enough to make you want to melt into him completely.

"What about you?" He asked, catching me off guard I shook my head slightly and sighed, "I just got home from College in Philadelphia, I did an entrepreneur course, so whatever I wanted to go into I could have a little bit of business studies with me." I smiled softly.

"That's good, it's a great thing to do, I think I'll want my little girl to grow up and do that subject." He hummed, I gulped down the fact he has a daughter, strangely my eyes slowly fixated onto his left hand, no ring?

"You have a little girl?" I asked out of pure curiosity, "Yeah, she's only 4, I was a teenage Father, had her at 18 with my college girlfriend, when we split up I still agreed to have half-custody of her as I'm the father." Ledger smiled as he got up a photograph of her on his phone.

She was beautiful, wavy brown hair that fell to her upper arms, a smile that instantly photocopied itself onto you and made you smile too, her eyes were a light brown, honey coloured in the sun.

"She's beautiful, what's her name?" I asked him, he shut his phone off and slipped it into his pocket, turning his body to the side to face me more. "Diem, it's a hometown name, Clara, my ex, decided to give her." Ledger said.

"Hey look, I gotta run downstairs because I have an appointment with someone at 7," Ledger lifted his wrist to look at his watch, "Will I see you again?" He asked, his grin growing wider.

"I suppose." I smirked, liking the fact I had a little bit of power over him, he actually wanted to see me again, Ledger Walters, the hot doctor. God this makes being back in Rosewood worth it.

"I'll see you around Montgomery." He tapped my knee lightly as he got up, sending me a flashy grin before he strolled off down the hallway and left me alone smiling like an idiot.

Mocha attacked my legs as I locked up the front door behind me, I scooped him up in my arms and kissed the top of his head firmly. Dad had been informed Mum would have to stay overnight, he insisted that I go home and he stays.

I switched the living room lights on but groaned when nothing happened, "Power cut, just great." I sighed to myself.

My hands fumbled with my phone charger as I plugged it in and watched as it lit up with multiple notifications from everyone. It was currently 11 pm, most of the notifications were from the girls. Except for one that caught my eye.

Can you meet? It's important.

My brows furrowed at the messaged there's only one person I know who begins with the letter J, I went to respond but the abrupt banging at my front door caused me to jolt and drop my phone.

I panicked, picking up a candle stick off the cabinet nearby me and holding it as a threat of a weapon in case it was an uninvited guest at the door. Potentially A.

𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑇𝐼𝐸𝑆 𝑇𝐻𝐴𝑇 𝐵𝐼𝑁𝐷 𝑈𝑆-𝐽𝑎𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑠Where stories live. Discover now