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Boomer and Hannah was talking on how to take Hannah's home When boomer came up with TNT Hannah immediately declined I mean which part didn't boomer understand? Sam said "Take Down" not blow it up to cause a Huge hole

Then Hannah left the game boomer immediately gathered Gun power and sand to make TNT when Hannah joins back she saw boomer in her house ofc Hannah doesn't trust boomer she goes inside to see her house being filled with TNT!! She checks the Chests to see if there's anything left and there wasn't..Where did he even put the things she had? Whatever

"Boomer! Why did you put TNT inside of my house!?" Hannah yelled at boomer "So we could take this down faster!" Boomer said "I don't care if we take this down faster This amount of TNT can cause a Big hole!" Hannah said "This'll be quicker and you have a lot of dirt so you can just fix it up" boomer said "Do you know on what amount of days fixing a Big hole is!" Hannah yelled

"Just a couple of days and besides you don't have anything to do these days" boomer said he then puts down the red stone torch and runs Hannah runs too but she wasn't quick enough...

"Hannahxxrose was blown up by BoomerNA" chat said Sam saw the chat but didn't care he thought that it was Hannah's fault

Hannah was at spawn she tried to fly but couldn't..she looked at her back to see no wings.."m-my wings.." Hannah said

She ignores it even if it still hurts I mean does it matter if she gets hurt? Her dad won't even care..

"Omg.." Hannah said seeing the Big hole and boomer..Just laughed! He's a frickin psycho! Hannah runs to the river and swims to get to the other side

Hannah goes up to boomer and slaps them It's what he gets! "You flipping psycho! This hole will take months! And you blow up my wings!" Hannah said "Let's see what you can do.." boomer said "I'll get you fired" Hannah said

Sam saw them fighting so he comes in between them "why are you fighting!?" Sam yelled "he fucking blow up my wings and house!" Hannah said "oh it's not my fault we discussed about blowing this up!" Boomer said "Hannah it's Your fault stop blaming a innocent person!" Sam said "We didn't even fucking discussed about blowing it up! We discussed on how to take it down!" Hannah yelled "so you're saying that their a liar?" Sam said "Yes! What part don't you understand??" Hannah said "they Don't even know what a liar is!" Sam said

"God why don't you believe your own Daughter!?" Hannah said "You Are Not My Child" Sam said "oh so You believe someone you just ment a few days ago over someone who's known you for years?" Hannah said "Yes! Go you're fired" Sam said "what..?" "You're fired!" Sam said pushing Hannah aside to go talk to boomer if he's okay..*blah blah blah b! tch*

Hannah runs off somewhere in the forest She doesn't want to see anyone right now..she stops in a forest she doesn't know where she is..But whatever she slid down a tree and cries that her OWN Father cares more about a stranger..

She hears footsteps coming where she came she can't do anything she doesnt have anything in her inventory She can't fly away her wings are gone

The footsteps stopped..Hannah couldn't tell if their behind her or beside her but she does feel like she's being watched.."Hello?" The person said "Who are you?"

Hannah didn't respond she doesn't want anyone to see her face right now..she buried her face in her arms "Hey..I'm Minx!" ?? Said Hannah felt a arm on her shoulder Hannah looked at minx

Minx has purple hair the front hair with red and pink her clothes looks like a mix of niki and puffys

"What's your name?" Minx said "i-im Hannah.." Hannah said "oh Hannah? Niki and puffy told me wonderful things about you!" Minx said "t-they did..?" Hannah said "ofc! You seem a wonderful friend and if their friends with you I'm friends with you" minx said

Tears were running down Hannah's face tears of happiness and tears of sadness

"Actually they told me that you had wings where is it?" minx said "D-did you hear a explosion.. earlier?" Hannah said "yes..wh-" "I guess you know now.." Hannah said "Hey! I'll like you even if you don't have wings you're a great friend that's what matters!" Minx said

Hannah smiled at minx


Hannahxxrose Oneshot??
Angst?? 🌹


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