I'm only 17. My only friend I really trust and zoey and she's the only one who really knows about my life and everything that goes on in it. It's not

that I don't want to let my other friends in. I just have a hard time opening up and letting people in. I've been hurt a lot especially by my mother. I

was gonna do my base makeup and everything home instead of in the dressing room and start my hair home as well. Leon was sleeping in his

crib and his stuff was all packed and her was ready for when I was ready to leave. I started my makeup humming lowly to the summer walker

that played lowly throughout my room. Everything I have u bought and worked hard for and I'm kinda proud of myself. I sat at my vanity

on my fluffy white chair

" angel baby let me borrow two dollars " my sloppy drunk mother said busting in my room

" I don't have it " I said trying not to pay her any attention

" bitch I know you got money up here and where your lil fast ass going " she said raising her voice a little bit

" can u try and keep it down leon sleeping and I'm not being fast I'm getting ready for work... something you should learn how to do " I mumbled the ending

" huh speak up hoe " she said coming closer

I just shook my head ignoring her crazy antics. She finally realized I wasn't gonna feed into her bullshit and gave up leaving out my room.

Sometimes I just gotta be the bigger person and just stop talking. I finished my makeup and was moving on to curling my hair and putting the

clips in so they'll still in till I get to work. I was finished getting ready and all I had to do was get dressed and put some stuff in my duffle bag. I put

on some Nike joggers and a black Nike hoodie. I put my other pair of heels in since I broke my last ones last night. I put in two new outfits I Bought

yesterday. I put in a new perfume and lotion set. Once I was finished getting my bag packed and ready for work. I fixed my room up a bit and

made my bed. My room was probably the only nicest thing in this apartment the rest is tore up and busted down a lil. The kitchen is alright and

not to dirty and nether if the living room but I gave up buying new stuff and decorating it because every time she would take stuff to a

pawn shop and try and get money so she could get liquor or drugs. I just made sure wit was clean and liveable. But my room was totally a

vibe and was really nice. I made sure to get two locks on my door because I don't trust her at all and I save my money and out half away

somewhere in my room where she couldn't find it. I unplugged my phone and grabbed my charger putting it in my sweater pocket. I also

grabbed my airpods placing one in my ear and connecting it and played summer walker album. She's my favourite artist ever and I'm in love with

her. I grabbed my bag and leon bag putting it over my shoulders. I picked him up and grabbed my car keys and keys. He already has his jacket

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