"Hello— oh! Hugh!"

You abruptly stopped petting Nezuko's head — secretly making her frown behind her muzzle — before you shot up and rushed to the door. You peeked over Tanjirou's shoulder, lo and behold, there stood Eli.

He was dressed in similar clothes to Tanjirou, however, he adorned a dark grey haori covered in fireworks. On his shoulder, he carried a backpack - to which you assumed contained his personal items.

You widened your eyes, "EL— HUGH! WHAT ARE YOU—" The boy walked right past the two of you, standing in the middle of the main room. He slung his backpack off his shoulder, causing it to hit the ground with a thud.

You and Tanjirou deadpanned, "Wow, how polite." Eli shrugged, "I try my best, y'know?"

Tanjirou awkwardly chuckled, before his eyes drifted over to Nezuko. He nudged you, looking at you with panicked eyes.

You quickly caught onto what he was implying, so you made your way over to Eli, trying to force him to turn around while Tanjirou tried to push Nezuko into the other room containing your futons.

Eli immediately caught sight of this, causing him to raise a suspicious brow, "Hey, who's that? I don't remember seeing her at Final Selection." Tanjirou stiffened, snapping his head towards Eli robotically. "U-Uh.. this is my sister, Nezuko!"

Eli nonchalantly pointed at her muzzle, "What's with the bamboo stick? Or.. whatever it's called?" You walked over, nervously sweating, "Oh, that! It's a.. fashion style, yeah!" Tanjirou vigorously shook his head, "Yes, what she said!"

His eyes trailed down to her nails, before readverting his gaze to her slitted eyes - which quickly dilated. He turned to the two of you, scratching his head, "Yeah, nice try. I'm not that stupid. She's a demon, isn't she?"

Tanjirou paled, before stuttering, "WELL- NO.. YE—? NOYES?" Eli furrowed his brows, "She's.. not going to kill me, right?" You stepped forwards, "No, she won't.."

The boy merely shrugged, before plopping down into a criss-cross position, "Eh, fine by me, then. As long as she doesn't eat me, we're not gonna have any problems!"

You and Tanjirou eyed each other, both of you releasing an exasperated sigh of relief.

Eli piped up, looking over at Nezuko and waving, "Anyways, I was wondering if I could stay a couple days, maybe hang out before our missions start?"

Your mood instantly grew upbeat, "Wait, really!?" Eli stared up at you, "Yeah? Why would I say that and not mean it- AUGH!" Before he finished, you chucked a spare futon at him, cheering happily, "HAHA, SLEEPOVER!! WOOO!"

Eli snatched a nearby pillow, before chucking it at your head, causing you to lose your balance. You fell to the ground, letting out a yelp, "EEP!" You then grabbed the pillow he threw at you, before lunging towards him and hitting him with the pillow repeatedly.

Tanjirou ran over to you two, pulling you off of Eli with an exasperated expression, "Come on, don't wrestle! We need to stay unharmed until our swords come!"

Eli smirked, before unsheathing his Nichirin Blade, "Hah, not me though! Since I'm just so amazing, my swordsmith finished my sword early. Sōta hasn't gotten his yet, so I thought I'd stay here until his sword arrives."

You and Tanjirou eyed his violet blade with starry eyes, before you piped up, "Hey, yours actually changed color! What a surprise!"

Eli hissed at you, slapping your hand away from his sword, "Hey, no touching! And what do you mean by that!? I bet yours will be colorless!"

𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑳𝑳𝑨𝑹  ⤶ 「 𝑲𝑵𝒀 𝑿 𝑴𝑶𝑫𝑬𝑹𝑵 𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑫𝑬𝑹 」Where stories live. Discover now