Chapter 36

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A M Y 

After seeing Darcy yesterday, I called my aunt Stina to ask if she had found any apartment for me yet. She had found one, it was quite pretty, but very expensive, so I told her that I was gonna do anything I could to earn the money. She was quite sure the apartment could get sold pretty soon if I didn't hurry, but everything's worth a try, right? 

Ever since I called her, I did everything I could to find a job. It was so easy, though. There was almost no jobs available, and the ones who was available wasn't quite the type of job I wanted. 

Suddenly my phone went off. I checked the caller ID which showed Niall before picking up.

"Hi, Niall," I said into the phone.

"Hey, I was just wondering if you called your aunt about that apartment yet?" He asked.

"Yeah, I did," I replied. "She had found one for me, but it was more expensive than I can afford right now, so I'm looking for jobs now,"  

"You know, I could pay for the apartment if you want to," He offered, souding nervous. 

"No, it's okay," I replied. "You need money for your apartment too and I don't wanna ask too much from you," 

"Amy, I have enough money to buy both of them," He said. "And don't think you're asking too much of me. I want to pay for it. You know I only want the best for you," 

"It's very sweet of you, Niall, but no. It's too much," I said. 

"Fine," He said. While I still was on the phone with Niall, someone rang the doorbell to my tiny flat. 

"One second, Niall, someone's ringing my doorbell," I said and put the phone down on the couch. I hurried over to the door and opened it to see Taylor on the other side. 

"Tahlia told me you met Niall again," He said. 

"She told you?" I asked and he nodded. 

"Yeah, and I need to talk with him," He said. 

"Well, I'm actually on the phone with him right now," I said. "The phone's on the couch, so just go get it," I said and he did exactly as I said. 

T A Y L O R (!!!) 

I picked up Amy's phone that was lying on the couch and pressed it to my ear. Before I said anything, I headed into the kitchen so that Amy wouldn't hear what I was gonna tell Niall. 

"Hey, Niall. It's Taylor," I spoke. 

"Please don't say you're gonna yell at me for hurting your sister," He said which only made me chuckle. 

"DOn't worry, you're not in trouble," I said. "I just wanna tell you that to be honest, I want Amy to take you back. So I'm willing to help you with that. I have an idea for you, so if you're up for it, meet me at the park in 20 minutes, okay?" 

"Is this some kind of prank or are you serious?" He asked. 

"I'm being serious here," I replied. 

"Okay, I'll be there," He said. "But what should I do with Darcy? Won't Amy get suspicious if I ask her to have Darcy at her flat?" 

"Then ask my mum," I said. "She loves Darcy and she's not mad at you anymore," 

"Okay," He replied. "I'll be there," 

"Great. Bye," I said and hung up. 

A M Y 

Taylor came back out of the kitchen a few minutes later and handed me my phone.

"What did you say to him?" I asked as he handed me back the phone. 

"Nothing special," He replied. 

"I swear to god if you told him off I'll kill you in your sleep," I said. 

"Why? Do you still love him?" 

"Course I do.." I replied. "But we're just friends for now, okay? I don't know how it'll end up, but it's just friends," 

Taylor just nodded at my response before heading out of my flat with a smirk across his face. Should I be scared or..?

When he had gone, I just decided to watch a few episodes of Pretty Little Liars on Netflix, and that's pretty much how my day went by. Watching Netflix and eating popcorn. Call me lazy, but I just really didn't feel like doing anything.

Darcy was still with Niall, but she's gonna come over here tomorrow. Niall said yesterday he was gonna start looking for an apartment too so that we could move about the same time for Darcy's sake. 

I still feel guilty for having her live a life like this. I don't really know how it's like having parents who aren't together, but I don't think I would like it. Well, my dad is dead, but yeah.. You know what I mean. 

I was still kinda curious about what Taylor was up to. Some part of me wanted to call him or something, but I decided not to. I was having a great day of relaxing and nothing was gonna ruin it. 

So after watching some episodes of Pretty Little Liars, I decided on watching a movie instead. Call me a kid, but I ended up watching Finding Nemo. 

Darcy and I used to watch it all the time, and I guess it's just one of my favorite stories. It just really shows how much a father can care for his kid. He went through all that stuff just to get his son back, and that's what I call love. I wonder if Niall would do the same thing. 

Suddenly, I got this strange feeling in my stomach. I ran as fast as I could into the bathroom to see if I had to throw up, and I was right. I had to. 

The taste got stuck in my mouth, So I headed into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of orange juice. Then I started wondering, why did I throw up? 

Maybe I just ate something that wasn't good for me? Or Maybe I was just getting sick? That was two options, but the third option wasn't even worth thinking about. Niall wore a condom when we did 'it', I'm sure he did. He would at least have told me if he wasn't, and since I was his girlfriend, I should believe that he did. Right? 


Double update!! Yay ! I literally have no life..

so, what do you think taylor and niall is up to? ;) 

and i did taylor's pov for the first time too !! That's why i wrote '!!!' behind his name :D lol im weird..

- sarah xx

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