part 1, confession

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(Its not really a confession, just how we started dating.)
(and no this is not how we type just a fanfic version mwah)

"Hmph, im not happy." I said, closing the groupchat tab, and checking servers.

A few seconds later, i got a message. " Fine, we arent platonic anymore. " Douma said.

I opened the groupchat tab, finding probably the most graceful and lovely message I have ever seen. " I— YAYAYAYA " I spammed my keyboard with Y's and A's.

Douma sighed, " Happy now? "

I spammed my keyboard again, " YES, AHFAHKIDhjsshHAFJYA!! " I laughed at the screen, my parents looking at me, very concerned. I smiled, probably the most happy I have ever been.

Then i pinged my best father in law caleb, screaming. " ME AND DOUMA ARENT PLATONIC ANYMORE!!! " He was so proud. 😍

—cliffhanger hahahahah.)—

true loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें