4 (part 1)

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age 13

The day Harry turned fourteen was the day things shifted.

Somehow the stars aligned and the world seemed different. We seemed different.


It started with having to shop for his birthday present. I've never shopped for anyone other than my family before. So it was a little... challenging, especially when you already don't have any clue what to get someone.

Harry never talks much about his interests. I'm not sure if it's because he doesn't like talking about it or if it's because he truly doesn't know what his interests and likings are. I'm going with the latter because Harry loves to talk about himself. He's always bragging about what he can do and what he's better than me at. It's something I've observed and gotten used to.

Just last week he absolutely outdid me in shooting training. I can shoot a gun, but never as accurate as Harry. It's like he can never miss. He'll always hit the target perfectly on the dot, and that day he boasted, bragged, and smirked knowing he beat me at something. He beats me every time.

I'm good at physical fighting, he's good at gun fighting, a skill I don't think I will be able to be as good at as him.

So it's a little odd Harry doesn't talk much about his interests. I know he loves to talk about himself, he just never talks about what he himself actually likes. It's as if he's talking about someone entirely detached from Harry. As if the Harry is talking about has no actual attachment to anything. As if there's two completely different sides to Harry.

He's arrogant, annoying, and cunningly charming, but there's a part of him that likes to care for others. A part of him he's slightly shown towards me. Yes, he can get on my nerves, but at the end of the day trainings are meant to bring the two of us together.

So I have to get him a good present. He's turning fourteen and we're having a celebration tomorrow night.

"Juliana, are you telling me that you've spent over half of a year with Harry and have no single idea of what he could want for his birthday?"

"No," I admit to my mother. We're at a mall fifteen minutes from our house. My mother came home last night to be a part of Harry's celebration. Although she didn't meet him until this morning at breakfast, due to the fact she's been working on business that is being handled in the city and is never really home.

"What do you think you should get him?" she asks

"I have no clue."

"I remember the first gift I got your father for his birthday," my mother smiles, tucking her blonde hair behind her hair. "It was a black Gucci watch with a black leather band."

"Does he still wear it?" I ask her as we walk into a Gucci store.

"He keeps it in a box for special occasions. If you pay close attention, you'll see he wears it to galas and special events."

"I'll pay attention next time," I smile. This is the first time I've spent time to bond with my mom in a long long time.

"Let's pick something out for Harry now," She walks towards a glass case filled with men's jewelry. "Do you think he's more of a flashy type or a classic type?"

"What's the difference?"

My mother laughs. "Oh, darling, I forget you're not as old as you project. Is he the type to boast about what he wears with eye catching pieces or does he seem to have a fine calming rich look?"

"What does this have to do with what we're getting Harry?"

"There are two types of wealthy people. The ones who show their wealth obviously by wearing, for example, Gucci and brand revealing things and the ones who don't need the brand logo for everyone else to know they're rich." My mother explains. "The social world is made of these two types of people. Yes, they're all rich, but the ones who wear the brands like to brag about their wealth. So which type of person do you think Harry is?"

"He doesn't need people to know he's rich," a small smile creeps onto my face.

Harry has fine things, but by the way he presents himself you don't need to see the brand of every shirt he owns to know how rich and powerful his family is. Silence speaks louder than words at times, and this is when it's absolutely true.

"Good," my mother begins to look through the case. "I didn't take his family to be that way, his mother had class."

"His mother?" I ask curiously. Did my mother know Harry's mom?

"Yes, she was the definition of elegance. Also the only person who tolerated my attitude, other than your father, of course. How about a necklace?" She changes the subject quickly.

"No, he already has one he wears all time," I answer.

Harry always wears a silver necklace with a cross. I've never seen him not wear it. I noticed it a week into training when we were at the beach one time, sitting. It's hard not to notice when the sun is reflecting from the silver that hung around his neck.

I never really thought of him to be religious though. I mean, he's training to kill people. He can't be religious. Everything we do goes against every religious belief.

"What about a watch?" My mother suggests.

"No, it's not like Harry to wear things on his wrist."

"Well, I'm running out of ideas Juliana."

I look into the case looking at several gold and silver watches, bracelets, and necklaces. Nothing screamed "Harry" which scared me a little because would I know which one screamed his personality? The watches look too fancy, I can never imagine Harry wearing any kind of expensive bracelet, and the necklaces were way too unlike Harry's personality.

What in the world could I get him?

Then I spot it. The thing that screamed his personality. It was a black icon ring with yellow gold interlocking g's for Gucci. It was simple and plain, but looked wealthy and classic. It's perfect.

"What about a ring?" I suggest.

"Which one were you thinking?" my mother waits, smiling with a look of curiosity.


"Happy Birthday," I hold a small black velvet box in front of Harry.

"Jules, you didn't have to," Harry says with a raspy voice. He just woke up. It's only seven in the morning. I woke up at six and couldn't go back to sleep so an hour later I came barging through Harry's bedroom door, waking him up. I was too excited to give him his present to wait till tonight.

"Of course I had to, Harry. Now open it," I urge him to take the box.

He takes the box and rubs his eyes, trying to wake up before he opens the mysterious box and when he does, his whole face looks shock. If he wasn't awake before, he is now. His eyes go wide at the sight of the ring and then he looks at me with a smile.

"No way, I can't take this Jules." He shakes his head as if this was impossible, the smile not disappearing.

"Do you not like it?" Shit, he doesn't like it.

"No no no, god, this is perfect, but I don't need it."

"Harry, it's your birthday. I wanted to get you something. If you don't like it I can just return it," I tell him, not wanting him to keep it if he doesn't like it.

"Jules, I can't just keep something this grand."

"Yes, you can."

He stares at the box, taking the ring out to try on. Luckily it fits the finger he tries it on with, his right ring finger.

"It's perfect, Jules," the smile one his face doesn't fade away. "It's absolutely perfect."


enjoy part 1 :)

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