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     Sweet Pea had speed down the road on his scratched motorcycle to the hospital, wanting to make sure Harley got there safely. Once he had arrived, he had been ordered to wait in the waiting room. That's when he decided to call around, inform everyone of the accident.

     "Is she okay?" Was the first question asked when the doctor stepped out and into the packed waiting room.

     "Well, Mrs. Byers was in critical condition—"

     "No." Sweet Pea interrupted. "Not her, Harley." The doctor glanced around the room, realising that the several teenagers weren't there for Addison Byers, they were there for Harley. Of course.

     "She's in good condition. She's suffered a real beating from the crash, but other than a few scratches and bruises here and there, she's fine." He informed. Relief washed over everyone gathered there; Jughead, Archie, Veronica, Betty, Midge, Sweet Pea, Reggie. All of her closest friends were there. Her father? No where to be seen. Jughead was really the only one who truly knew why.

     Sweet Pea had tried calling Harley's father, but he had been sent straight to voicemail. Jughead had brushed it off to her dad's phone not working when Sweet Pea had questioned him about it.

Jughead had been the first one to burst into the room, everyone else in tow. Unfortunately Harley hadn't received the luxury of a single room, so she was forced to share the rather small room with three others. She could get a bigger room for herself, but that was a whole lot more expensive. And it wasn't like she was staying there for long anyways. She could make do with sharing her room.

Harley left confused and not to mention disoriented. She woke up to a killer headache penetrating through her skull. The crash had knocked her out, but according to what the doctor told her once she woke up, she wasn't hurt other than a few surface scratches. She had also been informed about her mother's condition.

Addison had been badly hurt seeing as the truck that they had swerved into had hit the drivers side of the car. Harley couldn't deny that she was worried sick for her mother. She was also filled with regret. What if her mother didn't survive this? Their last interaction was a huge fight; a fight that caused the car accident. Harley would never be able to forgive herself.

But the doctor had tried assuring her at despite the fact that Addison had been in critical condition, she was stable now. And Harley had to trust that she'd be fine.

"Jughead!" Harley squealed, letting the Jones boy wrap her into a caring embrace. Taking a deep breath, Jughead realized he had never been this relieved to breathe in the sweet scent of his very best friends. Times like this made him regret every thing he had done to risk their friendship. From now on he was determined to be a better friend. Even if that meant not  pursing something romantic with her, he was willing to give it all up for her. For them.

"You're all here." Harley noted, her eyes gliding over everyone in the room. Her eyes lingered on a particular someone. . .

"Thank god your okay, Har." Reggie said, pushing aside Sweet Pea to wrap his old flame into a lingering hug. Harley relaxed deeply into his arms. The Byers girl just now realized how much she had missed the boy. Not necessarily romantically, but in the friendlier manner.

Sweet Pea swallowed down his jealousy as his eyes hardened. He hated seeing Reggie of all people with his dirty hands on Harley. If this was a cartoon, smoke would be escaping his nostrils and ears and his face would be green with jealousy.

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